Vivian Harris · @vivianharris45
162 followers · 551 posts · Server
Simon Ives 🇦🇺 · @simonives
24 followers · 41 posts · Server

With the recent updates across Australia's WHS regulatory landscape focusing on psychosocial hazards in the workplace, this article on psychological safety in the workplace from Harvard Business Review is timely.

What exactly is psychological safety? It’s a term that’s used a lot but is often misunderstood. In this piece, the author answers the following questions with input from Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson, who coined the phrase “team psychological safety”:
1) What is psychological safety?
2) Why is psychological safety important?
3) How has the idea evolved?
4) How do you know if your team has it?
5) How do you create psychological safety?
6) What are common misconceptions?

#peopleandculture #humanresources #workplacehealthandsafety #WHS #ohs #psychologicalsafety #psychosocialhazards

Last updated 2 years ago

28 followers · 787 posts · Server

📢Deadline extended ‼️
Until 15 February 2023
📤Send your abstract and make an impact on the future of work 🙌

RT @WorldCongress23: We've extended the abstract submissions deadline to 15 Feb 2023!

We want to help ease that end of year pressure because now is the time to celebrate all that you've achieved in 2022. Kick off 2023 by submitting your abstract via our website:


#culturalsafety #HealthandSafety #WHS #OSH

Last updated 2 years ago

Luke Hallam · @lukehallam
45 followers · 37 posts · Server

Slowly jumping through the hoops necessary to allow me to do some work at my favourite park.

I walked my out there last weekend and some of the trails are very overgrown. There's days of work to be done.

I'll be taking my man-child to help and show him how to give back to the sport. I suspect we're also going to find way too much rubbish but we'll sort that while we're there.

#WHS #volunteer #mtb #dog

Last updated 2 years ago

Luke Hallam · @lukehallam
52 followers · 80 posts · Server

Slowly jumping through the hoops necessary to allow me to do some work at my favourite park.

I walked my out there last weekend and some of the trails are very overgrown. There's days of work to be done.

I'll be taking my man-child to help and show him how to give back to the sport. I suspect we're also going to find way too much rubbish but we'll sort that while we're there.

#WHS #volunteer #mtb #dog

Last updated 2 years ago

Festering Ferret · @FesteringFerret
18 followers · 172 posts · Server

It turns out Tigger was not the only one who occasionally forgot to duck. He was just the first to be publicly identified. Some people do not know when to complain!

#WHS #safetyfirst

Last updated 3 years ago

Festering Ferret · @FesteringFerret
18 followers · 172 posts · Server

My newest work mate has earned himself the nickname Tigger. Because he bounces. He is also 6 foot 5. There is now black and yellow warning tape in key locations, along with "Watch your head" warning signs.

#WHS #safetyfirst

Last updated 3 years ago