Jess Mahler · @jessmahler
924 followers · 13712 posts · Server

day 10

Among different families who interact often, it is very common for people to pick up descriptive epithets, "the big nosed-Spinner", "the tall one", etc. This makes identifying people easier since there will usually be multiple "Near-adults of the Silent Spinner family"


#fediworlds #WIPWorldBuilders

Last updated 5 years ago

Jess Mahler · @jessmahler
924 followers · 13712 posts · Server

day 9

There are two or three ways to become family-less: to not be accepted into any marriage group, to be born to a family-less Cenn, or to be the last of a family that dies out.

That last is a grey area, technically family-last and not family-less, but they are often treated as such, especially in cities where a single person simply can't fulfill the many political and economic expectations placed on a family.


#fediworlds #WIPWorldBuilders #plantinglife

Last updated 5 years ago

Jess Mahler · @jessmahler
924 followers · 13712 posts · Server

Playing catch up -- day 9

"How are outcasts treated in your world? How's one become one?"

Most outcasts are family-less, people who don't belong to a family.

This is mostly a problem in the cities, as in rural areas a group of family-less can come together to create a new family any time they choose to. So in rural areas the only family-less are generally people no one wants to be with.


#fediworlds #WIPWorldBuilders #plantinglife

Last updated 5 years ago

Jess Mahler · @jessmahler
924 followers · 13712 posts · Server

D2 & D3
What methods are used for scientific discoveries (ex: empirical method)? How is it viewed

Science as-such doesn't exist yet. Philosopher-types usually become priests and experimental folks fiddle within their families. Fiddling is usually encouraged, though this varies by family.

Philosopher-priests are given a great deal of respect within the priesthood, by rarely hold high rank. They tend to be left to do their own thing.

#WIPWorldBuilders #worldbuilding #plantinglife

Last updated 5 years ago

Jess Mahler · @jessmahler
924 followers · 13712 posts · Server


"How is music categorized (ex: country, rock and roll, folk)?"

The two main categories are instrumental (only from musician families and some priests) and vocal.

Vocal is further split into private family music and street music.

Street music is the music of the family-less. Both instrumental music and street music can be found among the buskers of a city, but the street musicians lack 'respectability'

#WIPWorldBuilders #amwriting #plantinglife

Last updated 5 years ago

Jess Mahler · @jessmahler
924 followers · 13712 posts · Server


"Are there national anthems?"

No. Closest that exist is some families have a song that might be called a family anthem. This is especially common among the farwalkers and remaining boat people. At farwalker gatherings each family will sing their own song as part of the opening and closing ritual of the gathering, one of the few times family songs are shared publicly.

#WIPWorldBuilders #amwriting #plantinglife #wipwednesday

Last updated 5 years ago

Jess Mahler · @jessmahler
924 followers · 13712 posts · Server

New calendar for February has been posted:

(PS -- if someone wanted to start doing some like this based in the Fediverse, that would be awesome and I would totally be on board).

#WIPWorldBuilders #amwriting

Last updated 5 years ago

Jess Mahler · @jessmahler
924 followers · 13712 posts · Server

Morning all.

"Has a certain kind of music ever been banned/outlawed?"

Nope. No one has the power and no one would have seen the point. What vocal music people sing among their families is private and like all family things, no one else's business. Instrumental music is rare enough to be valued in all forms.

#WIPWorldBuilders #amwriting #plantinglife

Last updated 5 years ago

Jess Mahler · @jessmahler
924 followers · 13712 posts · Server

Having said that, there is one language that has widely been picked up by others -- the hand-speech of the Silent Spinner family.

The Silent Spinners encourage this spread. The more people who learn their hand speech, the more easily their unvoiced family members can communicate with others.

The family has a high percentage of folks and their unvoiced folks created handspeech.

#autistic #WIPWorldBuilders #amwriting

Last updated 5 years ago

Jess Mahler · @jessmahler
924 followers · 13712 posts · Server

"Are there languages or dialects that people appropriate?"

I'm not really comfortable with the word 'appropriate' applied to language unless you mean it in a much narrower sense than most folks seem to have used answering this question.

There is a difference between the natural exchange of words and ideas between languages and appropriation.

As yet there is no appropriation of language.


Last updated 5 years ago

Jess Mahler · @jessmahler
924 followers · 13712 posts · Server


"Is music education considered important? Who learns music? "

The only people expected to learn music are those from music families or their spouses. In fact formal education isn't available to anyone else outside of a few priests and acolytes.

There is a very old agreement between some of the music families and the wave-bound (priests of the oceans) that some priests and acolytes would be trained in drumming, wind instruments and chanting.


Last updated 5 years ago

Jess Mahler · @jessmahler
924 followers · 13712 posts · Server


"How is music recorded (ex: sheet music, recording booth)?"

It isn't. The most advanced cultures in the world are still at a proto-writing stage. There is no notation system for music and certainly not tech or magic to record it.

#WIPWorldBuilders #amwriting

Last updated 5 years ago

Jess Mahler · @jessmahler
924 followers · 13712 posts · Server


"Are there words or phrases one cannot say?"

Personal names. Personal names are only used by family members. Everyone else will use descriptors or epithets. "Near-Adult of the Silent Spinners" "The lanky spinner" "Councillor for the Silent Spinners" etc

That the familyless routinely use personal names (because they don't have a family affiliation to identify with) is just considered one more sign of how inappropriate/dangerous they are to society.

#WIPWorldBuilders #amwriting

Last updated 5 years ago

Jess Mahler · @jessmahler
924 followers · 13712 posts · Server

"Are there music groups in your world (orchestras, bands, choirs, etc.)?"

Yes. While solo play is the most common, musician families can field instrumental or Instrument w/ voice groups ranging from trios up to the entire family.

#WIPWorldBuilders #amwriting

Last updated 5 years ago

Jess Mahler · @jessmahler
924 followers · 13712 posts · Server


"How do musicians make money? (Live performances, patronage, record sales, etc) "

Musician families make money through a mix of street busking, paid performances, and being hired to write music for special occasions.

Some familyless (residency in a city or town is based on belonging to one of the officially recognized families) busk to make ends meet


#WIPWorldBuilders #amwriting

Last updated 5 years ago