Zwar verspätet, aber hier mein #Bundesliga Tipp:
1. #RBL
2. #FCB
3. #B04
4. #BVB
5. #SGE
6. #FCU
7. #WOB
8. #SCF
9. #BMG
10. #KOE
11. #M05
12. #TSG
13. #FCH
14. #VfB
15. #FCA
16. #BOC
17. #Werder
18. #D98
#bundesliga #RBL #fcb #B04 #BVB #SGE #fcu #WOB #scf #bmg #KOE #M05 #tsg #fch #VfB #FCA #BOC #werder #d98
Clinical goal by Wolfsburg. Their chances are slim but they are controlling play. #WOB #BARWOB #ChampionsLeagueFrauen
#WOB #barwob #championsleaguefrauen
Great pressure, dispossession, and shot. Perfect play. #barWOB #WOB #ChampionsLeagueFrauen
#barwob #WOB #championsleaguefrauen
Falei no webinar da AMONET sobre mulheres no #digital e sobre a Diretiva "Womens on Board", onde fui relatora do.
@wortpiratin was ein Derby ist, entscheiden letztlich die Fans. Wenn z. B. #EBS gg. den Werksklub aus der Vorstadt in #WOB spielt, wird es auch in 100 Jahren kein Derby sein. Egal, was einem die Medien einzureden versuchen
@RaeComm sent the tweet - Wolfsburg sporting head Marcel Schäfer tells Kicker their US wing back Kevin Paredes “is developing very well. When he comes on, he almost always makes an impact, has his moments & also does some unusual things. He works hard. Physically, he still has a bit to go.” #WOB
*ouderwets advertentiemuziek*
Is je bezwaar- of beroeptermijn bijna verlopen en je weet nog niet wat je argumenten zijn tegen een besluit van de overheid?
Maak kennis met de pro-forma bezwaar- of beroepschrift! Dankzij art. 6:6 Awb kan je gelukkig nog langer lekker je argumenten bedenken en opschrijven!
*mannelijke stem op 2.5x snelheid*: Indienen moet voor einde van de termijn. Hoeveel tijd je nog krijgt kan variëren. Als je de argumenten niet levert, ben je genaaid.
Já está disponível a newsletter de janeiro, na qual dou conta do meu trabalho enquanto deputada ao Parlamento Europeu
Link para subscrever a Newsletter 👇
@EPPGroup @psdparleuropeu @ppdpsd @EP_SingleMarket @EP_Industry @EP_GenderEqual
Já está disponível a newsletter de dezembro, na qual dou conta do meu trabalho enquanto deputada ao Parlamento Europeu
Link para subscrever a Newsletter 👇
@EPPGroup @psdparleuropeu @ppdpsd @EP_SingleMarket @EP_Industry @EP_GenderEqual
Next week the @europarl_en Plenary will debate & vote the 'Women on Boards' directive. Delighted to be shadow rapporteur of the @EP_GenderEqual Opinion on this important issue
@EPPGroup @psdparleuropeu
@VivianeRedingEU @ANiebler
RT @EPPGroup: 👏New push for gender balance in Europe!
The #WomenOnBoards Directive is here to make EU companies fulfil 40% of the less represented gender on non-executive members…
#WOB #GenderEquality #WomenonBoards
RT @mgracacarvalho: @europarl_en will vote on the Women on Boards directive in the next plenary session. As @EP_GenderEqual shadow-rapporteur for this important issue I will today make a presention to the @EPPGroup and Legal&Home Affairs WG
@psdparleuropeu @ANiebler
@europarl_en will vote on the Women on Boards directive in the next plenary session. As @EP_GenderEqual shadow-rapporteur for this important issue I will today make a presention to the @EPPGroup and Legal&Home Affairs WG
@psdparleuropeu @ANiebler
Já está disponível a newsletter de novembro, na qual dou conta do meu trabalho enquanto deputada ao Parlamento Europeu
Link para subscrever a Newsletter👇
@EPPGroup @EP_SingleMarket @EP_Industry @EP_Fisheries @EP_GenderEqual
After 10 years of blockade; the Woman on Boards Directive was finally adopted by the @EUCouncil 🤩
Next step: Committee vote in November @europarl_en 🗳️
#WoB #genderequality #thisiseurope
#WOB #GenderEquality #ThisIsEurope
As @EP_GenderEqual Shadow Rapporteur I'm delighted to see the Women on Boards directive finnally approved by the Council. Gender balance on company boards must be the rule and not just something to hope for.
More info 👇
Sommige regeringen - zoals die van Nederland - zijn extreem intransparant geweest. #WOB-verzoeken werden niet behandeld. Informatie werd geheimgehouden. Daarmee is het risico op #corruptie - zie #Sywertgate - vergroot.
Al deze informatie moet alsnog openbaar worden.
Já está disponível a newsletter de julho em que dou conta do meu trabalho como deputada no @Europarl_PT
#WOB #Oceanos #MEPAwards #Inovação
#Energia #TransformaçãoIndustrial
#Transiçãodigital #Ciência #Investigação
Link para ler ou subscrever 👇
#WOB #Oceanos #MEPAwards #inovação #energia #TransformaçãoIndustrial #Transiçãodigital #ciência #investigação
Nu får vi flere kvinder i bestyrelser i EU!
Det er virkelig vigtigt. Men den nye lov er også fuld af huller, og derfor skal regeringen sørge for en god implementering.
Det har jeg talt med DR om lige her👇🏼
#eudk #dkpol #ligestilling #womenonboards #WoB
#eudk #dkpol #ligestilling #WomenonBoards #WOB
@rtppt noticiou o acordo alcançado entre o @europarl_en e oEuropean Council sobre a diretiva europeia destinada a reforçar a igualdade de género nos conselhos de administração. Fui a negociadora do @EPPGroup na @EP_GenderEqual @psdparleuropeu #WoB #womenonboards
Aqui deixo alguns destaques da minha agenda enquanto deputada ao Parlamento Europeu.
Mais informação no meu site:
#WOB #Transformaçãoindustrial #RepowerEU #HorizonEU #StrategyCCUS
@EPPGroup @psdparleuropeu @EP_Industry @EP_SingleMarket @EP_GenderEqual
#WOB #TransformaçãoIndustrial #REPowerEU #HorizonEU #StrategyCCUS