RT MFEA Slovenia
"🇸🇮 se bo v #VS @UN zavzemala za podnebno varnost, preprečevanje konfliktov, zaščito vodnih virov & izvajanje Agende za ženske, mir in varnost #WPS. Veselimo se tesnega sodelovanja z Ekvadorjem & Gvajano v VS" – @MZEZ_RS @tfajon na vrhu #EUCELAC
👉https://cutt.ly/xwprjMy9 https://t.co/ODU76qNFso
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MZEZ_RS/status/1681302576573317121
RT MFEA Slovenia
DS @Samuel_Zbogar je s širšo ekipo opravil razpravo o prioritetah 🇸🇮 članstva v VS #OZN:
👉 podnebje & varnost, tudi zaščita vodnih virov;
👉 preprečevanje konfliktov, s poudarkom na agendi #WPS;
👉 učinkovito & transparentno delovanje VS.
#KrepimoZaupanje #VarujemoPrihodnost https://t.co/vv5R5iX7M2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MZEZ_RS/status/1679159357819219968
#OZN #WPS #KrepimoZaupanje #VarujemoPrihodnost
RT MFEA Slovenia
"Thank you @irenefellin & @VCmilyte for engaging #NATO Foreign & Defence Ministers at the High-level Women's Breakfast on the importance of ♀️ role in peace & security, including in 🇺🇦. Slovenia 🇸🇮 is committed to advancing the #WPS agenda and leveraging ♀️ participation &… https://n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/1679025400708464641
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Viktorija Cmilyte-Nielsen: Started this morning co-hosting the High-Level Women’s Breakfast - #LeadershipMatters meeting on the margins of the #NATOSummit in #Vilnius together with @irenefellin & a group of female leaders, ministers and representatives of civil society 1/2 https://t.co/ityRJqVdRl
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MZEZ_RS/status/1679025400708464641
#nato #WPS #LeadershipMatters #NATOSummit #Vilnius
RT MFEA Slovenia
Ministrica @tfajon se mudi na vrhu zveze @NATO, kjer bo sodelovala na neformalnem srečanju zunanjih ministrov Nata #ForMin in na srečanju ženskih voditeljic, ki ga bo gostila posebna predstavnica GS #NATO za ženske, mir in varnost #WPS @irenefellin. https://t.co/VS1bUT9YFa
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MZEZ_RS/status/1678676603100905476
Amazing to see so many climate champions of two continents are coming together. @FienBZ I hope you are scaling up @AUEUYouthHub for climate action and diplomacy.
RT @FienBZ
There can be no sustainable peace without 50% of the population: in our EU 🇪🇺and AU🇸🇦PSC-to-PSC meeting we agree that wherever there is a conflict, women 🚺 are an integral part of solving them sustainably 🇪🇺🇸🇦🇺🇳@_AfricanUnion @UN_Women #UNSCR1325 #WPS #Security
RT @SHE_curity: Dear friends & supporters,
Three years after our launch, it's time to open a new chapter: We want to make sure the work of #SHEcurity can be continued. That's why we have submitted a proposal to @EU_Commission and @eu_eeas to finance & set up a collaborative #WPS Dashboard. (1/3) https://t.co/k3qOnjqneC
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HNeumannMEP/status/1651929987266510848
How can #EUdefence & security policies deliver on the EU’s commitment to the women, peace & security agenda?
📌 Read the key takeways from our event on integrating a gender perspective to EU #CSDP missions & operations: http://ow.ly/azBw50NTzWc
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ISS/status/1651496827038973952
RT @SloveniaNATO: At the first #FMM session today, 🇸🇮 Minister @tfajon highlighted the importance of addressing #WPS and Human Security as part of preparations for the Vilnius Summit.
Next up, #NATO Ministers are meeting with 🇦🇺🇰🇷🇯🇵🇳🇿 and 🇪🇺 to discuss regional and global challenges.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/tfajon/status/1643545936319111168
RT @natopapress: #NATOPA Committee on Democracy & Security began their 3-Day visit to #Bucharest & #Constanța 🇷🇴 today. Parliamentarians & @SenatRomania officials exchanged on #Romania's foreign policy priorities, impact of🇷🇺’s invasion of 🇺🇦on #BlackSea security, 🇷🇴's #WPS Agenda implementation
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/akirstei/status/1643240483550908416
#NATOPA #Bucharest #Constanța #Romania #BlackSea #WPS
Women are patient. It is their wisdom.
Women persevere. It is their strength.
Women work hard. They have to as a woman’s work is never done.
Can you imagine all that patience, wisdom, perseverance & hard work better used in the service of #peace?
#WPS regional expert event
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/tfajon/status/1640621676244213760
RT @MZEZ_RS: Ministrica @tfajon je v pogovoru z @irenefellin iz @NATOWPS izrazila polno podporo Zavezništvu pri spodbujanju in izvajanju agende #NATO za ženske, mir in varnost #WPS. Govorili sta tudi o feministični zunanji politiki Slovenije 🇸🇮.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/tfajon/status/1640286744305184768
RT @friselljohan: The Swedish EU Presidency aims to promote a stronger gender integration in @CSDP operations. Today’s seminar by @sweden2023eu, @EU_ISS and @eu_eeas confirmed EU’s commitment and highlighted practical ways to achieve this. @BriegerRobert @ChairmanEUMC #WPS #SDG5 #CSW67 #UNSCR1325
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ISS/status/1634218659324518403
RT @anuapo: Se alkaa olla valmis!
Suomen neljäs kansallinen Naiset, rauha ja turvallisuus - toimintaohjelma julkaistaan 13.3.2023!
#WPS #NAP #1325
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/alviinaalametsa/status/1633952272173375488
RT @StellaRonner: Such an honour to deliver the #EU statement in the #UNSC, stressing the importance that we protect women human rights defenders, activists and journalists who report first-hand and with risks for their own lives, on the devastating reality of conflicts. #WPS @EUatUN @eu_eeas
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1633251057106145280
Today Amb @StellaRonner delivered the EU statement at the open debate on Women, Peace and Security, hosted by Mozambique🇲🇿
The 🇪🇺EU stressed the changing security context and need to consistently and fully implement the #WPS agenda.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1633223655961374721
RT @MZEZ_RS: In #Slovenia, #WPS is part of our national & international efforts. Through @POTC_Slovenia we contributed to activities such as:
👉 training #Venezuelan women in negotiations
👉 beekeeping workshops for #Afghan refugee girls in #Iran
👉 enabling work of female doctors in 🇦🇫.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/tfajon/status/1630562893287632897
#Slovenia #WPS #Venezuelan #Afghan #iran
RT @MZEZ_RS: Minister @tfajon at @SLOtoUNGeneva, @UNIDIR & @WIIS_CH event ‘Feminist approaches to international security’: Women, Peace & Security Agenda #WPS recognizes crucial role of women in stabilizing conflict or post-conflict situations & is important pillar of sustainable development.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/tfajon/status/1630562881396776962
RT @SHE_curity: 🔎Today’s #FactFriday focuses on🇬🇹#Guatemala:
Only 1⃣9⃣,4⃣% of MPs in parliament are women. Especially in the Defence Committee, women are severely underrepresented with only 7⃣%‼️
Things look a bit better in the Foreign Affairs Committee with 2⃣5⃣%.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HNeumannMEP/status/1626539358902792195
#FactFriday #Guatemala #SHEcurity #WPS #WPSin2023
This month Malta assumes the Presidency of the UN Security Council. Congratulations to Ambassador @_VanessaFrazier & team @MaltaUNMission.
For updates, follow⤵️ #UNSCMTPres
RT @MaltaUNMission: Malta is humbled & honoured to take on its role as #UNSCPresidency for the Month of February. Malta will be guided by principles of the UN Charter : #peace, #security, #humanrights, #development, #children & #WPS.
#UNSCMTPres 🇲🇹🇺🇳
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1620824558550011904
#UNSCMTPres #UNSCPresidency #peace #security #humanrights #development #children #WPS