I need a #nix #nixos person for a short contract.
1. Fix home-manager (python deprecation made it impossible to install, which is a huge roadblock for my team)
2. Make single user nix installer with flakes enabled, which also installs home-manager and direnv. A shell script will suffice.
3. Make a #QEMU VM installer for mac os that spins up a #Ubuntu LTS virtual machine and runs (2) in it, as well as provisions ssh connectivity. Effectively creating a #WSL, just for #macos.
#macos #WSL #ubuntu #qemu #nixos #nix
Idee: #Microsoft hat jetzt ja #WSL in #Windows. Kann man ja einfach da drin tmux & mosh nutzen um flexibel mit zu arbeiten.
Realität: Hälfte der Hosts nicht erreichbar, da WSL per Default kein #IPv6 kann
Was kann dieses OS eigentlich? Also außer abstürzen.
#microsoft #WSL #windows #ipv6
Sounds almost like a Google product.
Microsoft Promotes Windows Subsystem For Linux "WSL" To GA Status - Phoronix https://www.phoronix.com/news/WSL-GA-Windows
#microsoft #windows #linux #WSL
Microsoft's Windows Subsystem for Linux now available as an app https://buff.ly/3DPQIxL #Linux #WSL #Microsoft #OperatingSystem
#operatingsystem #Microsoft #WSL #Linux
Ready to switch to Linux? Christian Cawley shows you what you need to know to install Linux on your PC or laptop https://buff.ly/2X6aOUG #Linux #OpenSource #OperatingSystem #FOSS #tools #beginners #WSL
#WSL #beginners #tools #foss #operatingsystem #opensource #Linux
4 reasons to try Windows Subsystem for Linux https://buff.ly/3w7JPEH #Linux #WSL #OperatingSystem #Windows
#windows #operatingsystem #WSL #Linux
Microsoft announces Linux GUI application support now available for Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 https://buff.ly/3bVzQdo #Linux #OpenSource #GUI #WSL #apps #desktop #WSL2
#WSL2 #desktop #apps #WSL #gui #opensource #Linux
Linux GUI apps now available to Windows 10 testers as an extension to the Windows Subsystem for Linux https://buff.ly/2QqVSxs #Linux #Windows #WSL #GUI #apps #tools #Microsoft
#Microsoft #tools #apps #gui #WSL #windows #Linux
Graphical Linux applications can now run within WSL https://buff.ly/3jgxZBH #Microsoft #Linux #WSL #Wayland
#wayland #WSL #Linux #Microsoft