Fully agree with Paul, the new format is amazing. Only bummer for me: despite trying multiple times, I didn’t get a single lab slot, which made me sad.
RT @twostraws
It's a long post, but I wrote up how I thought #WWDC20 went: the session experience, the labs, and the community events, plus my favorite talks and the talks you should watch if you're short on time, and even squeezed in some views on #WWDC21. Phew! https://www.hackingwi…
Oh, to dream.
RT @heylaurengrimm@twitter.com
Rest up and get ready for the Apple Design Awards on Monday!! #WWDC20 #Apple #Developer #App #Design
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/heylaurengrimm/status/1276940290838781952
#developer #WWDC20 #apple #app #design
RT @super_reader@twitter.com
isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailableにも対応しているみたいなのでTouchIDとFaceIDがplatform authenticatorとして認識される世界がやっと来た〜
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/super_reader/status/1275859152066056192
macOS 11 Big Surの壁紙はこちらから #WWDC20 https://www.gizmodo.jp/2020/06/macos-11-big-sur-wallpaper.html
#macOSBigSur #macOS #macOS11 #WWDC #WWDC2020 #WWDC20
目前用macOS Big Sur开发者测试版有几个小时了,说几个点
1. 现在还有很多动画(例如新的通知中心)很卡,很多内建应用效率也很低。测试版通病,公测版应该会好很多。
2. 这一段时间我都是插电使用的,但是根据发热情况来看掉电速度应该很快(预计1个多小时见底),甚至我边充电它电量边往下掉。
3. 大部分应用都是可以正常工作的,不排除有某些影响使用的bug。UI方面会有一点不适配。
4. 某些内建功能还没完全优化好。例如Memoji的编辑界面高度特别低,选择形象的时候那一排脸都显示不完全。
手里暂时还没有能支持iOS 14和iPadOS 14的设备,以后有机会再说。
#macOSBigSur #macOS #macOS11 #WWDC #WWDC2020 #WWDC20
All of them are white as well. #wwdcsowhite
RT @twostraws
I've already watched several #WWDC20 videos:
- What's new in SwiftUI
- What's new in Swift
- Meet WidgetKit
- Advances in UICollectionView
- Modern Cell Configuration
- Explore App Clips
They are great talks, but so far I've seen 10 presenters and not a single woman 👎
Automatic shortcut trigger when you play Dungeons‘n‘Dragons, yay!
RT @ishabazz
Shortcuts have some sweet new trigger types #SiriKit #WWDC20
WWDC 2020で発表された「プライバシー」機能まとめ。自分のものは自分で管理しよ! #WWDC20 https://www.gizmodo.jp/2020/06/wwdc2020-privacy-matome.html
目指すぜ脱インテル。WWDC2020のポイントまとめ #WWDC20 https://www.gizmodo.jp/2020/06/wwdc2020-matome.html
iOS 14の新機能まとめ。ホーム画面、ウィジェット、Siriなどなど。#WWDC20 https://www.gizmodo.jp/2020/06/ios-14-matome.html
RT @JamesRath@twitter.com
Coming in #iOS14 / #iPadOS14 - VoiceOver Recognition: Using machine learning, VoiceOver will be able to try and make inaccessible apps and webpages accessible to the user. This extends to image descriptions, text within images, and input controls like buttons. #a11y #WWDC20
#iOS14 #iPadOS14 #a11y #WWDC20
おお、ついにこれできるようになるのか。メーラーをSparkにまた戻そうかな || 「iPhone標準ブラウザをChromeに」がついに。iOS/iPadOS 14では標準ブラウザとメールが変更可 #WWDC20 https://japanese.engadget.com/ios-ipad14-default-browser-setting-230002347.html
watchOS 7の新機能まとめ。ついに睡眠トラッキングが来る! #WWDC20 https://www.gizmodo.jp/2020/06/watchos-7-matome.html
We also have two sessions focused on packages tomorrow:
Swift packages: Resources and localization https://developer.apple.com/wwdc20/10169
Distribute binary frameworks as Swift packages https://developer.apple.com/wwdc20/10147
Anyone else having streaming problems in the Platforms State of the Union all of the sudden? #WWDC20