Always love it when Patton Oswald pops up out of nowhere! Season 5 / Episode 10 “Exit Interview” - What We Do In The Shadows #PattonOswald #WWDITS #ExitInterview
#exitinterview #WWDITS #pattonoswald
Wow! Last night's #WWDITS was wild! I don't think I've laughed that hard in a loooong time!
Calling all What We Do In The Shadows fans in my timeline.
Sandy Collora recently added 3D printed Vampiric Council pins and pendants to his Etsy shop, Creature Art Studio. These look great in the photos -- his wife, Lauren, is modeling the pendant in that third image here -- and if they are like his usual work, they'll look even better in person!
So direct your web browsing device to this link and throw some monies his way!
It's finally here. The #WhatWeDointheShadows season 5 trailer dropped today and Me and my special guest
had to react. Check it out. #WWDITS
What We Do In The Shadows - Season 5 Trailer Reaction
Do you like #movies #tv #community #starwars #marvel #dc #community #wwdits #reactionvideos ? Yes? Let’s be buds. #Mastodon
#movies #TV #community #StarWars #marvel #dc #WWDITS #reactionvideos #Mastodon
We name our air plants Jefferson, but I’ve insisted we give this recent one a middle name of Guillermo since he only gets watered once every three weeks.
Not you, Guillermo. #wwdits
In the #WWDITS universe, do you think any magnets occur naturally? Or are they all byproducts of witch potions?
The Nadja doll creeps me the hell out.