#WrestleZone Podcast - Exclusive Interviews —
a. #VinnyPacifico: https://youtu.be/EYzYRiPsSNY?si=bQfMtZj2KCu_ocrK
b. #KelseyRaegan: https://youtu.be/5DPdxd2ObDQ?si=mpm2Yr5tiS0rwAJ0
c. #JoshAlexander: https://youtu.be/vIP2QpXWLiE?si=_-4r_FKS7QhD00wc
#WWE on #FOX Interviews - #OutofCharacter - #CathyKelley: https://youtu.be/Z_ozhlAHBh4?si=UvYxw-GdCKg_yodl
#BustedOpen Podcast — Hot Start & Close for #WWENXT | PLUS #AlSnow Joins: https://busted-open.simplecast.com/episodes/hot-start-close-for-nxt-plus-al-snow-joins
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#alsnow #WWENXT #bustedopen #cathykelley #outofcharacter #fox #wwe #joshalexander #kelseyraegan #vinnypacifico #wrestlezone
ST⭐️RDOM presents 5Star Grand Prix 9.2.2023 Fukuyama on #StardomWorld #stardom (subscription required): https://www.stardom-world.com/set/5064
#POSTWrestling Podcast — #WWENXT 9/5/23 Review | upNXT: https://www.youtube.com/live/7NA-QPABxhg?si=zQhDKLs7BxDKWP6K
#WrestlingInc Podcast - WINC Podcast (9.5.23) — #WWENXT Review More: https://www.youtube.com/live/S2qaYHlFZsI?si=WnJEAT5ENBpFICJD
#WomensWrestling Talk Podcast - WWT Presents — WWT News - 9.6.23
(Punk'd No More): https://www.youtube.com/live/8JFhIvG2k_U?si=O0pObJLp1EkUnpj0
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#womenswrestling #wrestlinginc #WWENXT #postwrestling #Stardom #StardomWorld
#TiffanyStratton defends the #NXTWomensChampionship against #KianaJames live tonight on #WWENXT!
#WWENXT #kianajames #nxtwomenschampionship #tiffanystratton
TV TONIGHT (September 5)
#RHOSLC #MyBigFatFabLife #WelcomeToPlathville #InsideTheNFL #HardKnocks #OneShot #SecretsOfPenthouse #USOpen #MLB #AGT #BeatShazam #WWENXT #LHHATL #LifeBelowZero #Ahsoka #Chopped #DeadliestCatch #CrimesGoneViral #GoodBones
#goodbones #crimesgoneviral #deadliestcatch #Chopped #ahsoka #lifebelowzero #LHHATL #WWENXT #beatshazam #AGT #mlb #USOpen #secretsofpenthouse #oneshot #hardknocks #insidethenfl #welcometoplathville #mybigfatfablife #RHOSLC
New episode list of my shows for September 5th:
#ThePriceisRight this morning on #CBS #TPIR
#LetsMakeADeal on #CBS #LMAD
#Jeopardy (syndicated) #RIPAlexTrebek
[The above shows are probably a repeat, new seasons start in September]
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #NWA's #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
#usanetwork #WWENXT #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #nwa #NWAPOWERRR #RIPAlexTrebek #jeopardy #LMAD #letsmakeadeal #tpir #cbs #thepriceisright
ST⭐️RDOM presents 5Star Grand Prix 8.27.2023 Fukui on #StardomWorld #stardom (subscription required): https://www.stardom-world.com/set/5060
#POSTWrestling Podcast — #WWENXT 8/29/23 Review | upNXT: https://www.youtube.com/live/6xv-wousqVo?si=Mv8PQbSJZNM54Y7j
#WrestlingInc Podcast - WINC Podcast (8.29.23) — #WWENXT Review, #AEWCollision Ratings, #CMPunk/#JackPerry: https://www.youtube.com/live/typr7ERqY3k?si=-1nXZfk4-MUZOjML
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#cmpunk #aewcollision #wrestlinginc #WWENXT #postwrestling #Stardom #StardomWorld
Fatal 4-Way to decide the No. 1 Contender to the Women's Title live tonight on #WWENXT!
TV TONIGHT (August 29)
#JustifiedCityPrimeval #Outdaughtered #PrimalSurvivor #MysteriesOfTheAbandoned #OMITB #RisqueBusiness #USOpen #MLB #AGT #BeatShazam #Chopped #WWENXT #LHHATL #TheMurderTapes #Ahsoka #DarkSideOfThe2000s #PawnStars #HardKnocks
#hardknocks #pawnStars #darksideofthe2000s #ahsoka #themurdertapes #LHHATL #WWENXT #Chopped #beatshazam #AGT #mlb #USOpen #risquebusiness #OMITB #mysteriesoftheabandoned #primalsurvivor #outdaughtered #justifiedcityprimeval
#POSTWrestling Podcast — #WWE #NXTHeatwave 8/22/23 Review | upNXT: https://www.youtube.com/live/M-bhC0ITSqM?si=xqz1OzW4LNAZUCyw
#WrestlingInc Podcast - WINC Podcast (8.22.23) — #WWENXT Review, More: https://www.youtube.com/live/d41lorqOZrc?si=s3AtkwXZvGd7_GKM
#WomensWrestling Talk Podcast - WWT Presents —
a. WWT News - 8.23.23 (Will #BeckyLynch Become #WWENXT Champion?): https://www.youtube.com/live/Gq90xwASA24?si=d2WWT_LL0hvAvMCE
b. Exclusive Interview with #SamiCallihan: https://youtu.be/F1FG_UP_Uck?si=E2dqpqgM7CHkQr51
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#samicallihan #beckylynch #womenswrestling #WWENXT #wrestlinginc #nxtheatwave #wwe #postwrestling
#WWENXT presents #NXTHeatwave live next on #USANetwork!
#usanetwork #nxtheatwave #WWENXT
#CarmeloHayes defends the #WWENXT Championship against #WesLee plus much more live tonight on #NXTHeatwave!
#nxtheatwave #weslee #WWENXT #carmelohayes
TV TONIGHT (August 22)
#Ahsoka #BobbysTripleThreat #TheMurderTapes #CrimesGoneViral #Lighthouse #OMITB #GraveyardCarz #AGT #BeatShazam #DeadliestCatch #WWENXT #LHHATL #GoodBones #PawnStars #Outdaughtered #HardKnocks #JustifiedCityPrimeval #MLB
#mlb #justifiedcityprimeval #hardknocks #outdaughtered #pawnStars #goodbones #LHHATL #WWENXT #deadliestcatch #beatshazam #AGT #graveyardcarz #OMITB #lighthouse #crimesgoneviral #themurdertapes #bobbystriplethreat #ahsoka
New episode list of my shows for August 22nd:
#ThePriceisRight this morning on #CBS #TPIR
#LetsMakeADeal on #CBS #LMAD
#Jeopardy (syndicated) #RIPAlexTrebek
[The above shows are probably a repeat, new seasons start in September]
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #NWA's #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
#WWENXT presents #NXTHeatwave live on #USANetwork
#usanetwork #nxtheatwave #WWENXT #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #nwa #NWAPOWERRR #RIPAlexTrebek #jeopardy #LMAD #letsmakeadeal #tpir #cbs #thepriceisright
#WrestlingInc Podcast - WINC Podcast (8.15.23) — #WWENXT Review, #CMPunk, #AEWCollision: https://www.youtube.com/live/gx1zBsp5Mmo?feature=share
#WrestlingInc Podcast - WINC Exclusive Interviews —
a. #NWA Women's World Champion #Kamille: https://youtu.be/TPAqfErlj28
b. #MattCardona: https://youtu.be/AAmTT2tkrwY
#WWE on #FOX Interviews - #OutofCharacter - #SamiZayn: https://youtu.be/PkQZSUIPbB8
#BustedOpen Podcast - The rise of #WesLee | #GiseleShaw: https://busted-open.simplecast.com/episodes/the-rise-of-wes-lee-gisele-shaw
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#giseleshaw #weslee #bustedopen #samizayn #outofcharacter #fox #wwe #mattcardona #kamille #nwa #aewcollision #cmpunk #WWENXT #wrestlinginc
#OhioValleyWrestling (#OVW) TV, Episode 1252 -
a. via #YouTube: https://youtu.be/Gq1kSzSu9KU
b. via #FITETV: https://www.fite.tv/watch/ovw-live-1252/2pdhp/
#WomensWrestling Talk Podcast - WWT Presents - WWT News - 8.16.23
(Goodbye Lacey. Hello Macey.): https://www.youtube.com/live/CBpdsNo5C4U?feature=share
#POSTWrestling Podcast — #WWENXT 8/15/23 Review | upNXT w/ #PoisonranaPod: https://www.youtube.com/live/ngTbqDgrMTU?feature=share
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#poisonranapod #WWENXT #postwrestling #womenswrestling #fitetv #YouTube #ovw #ohiovalleywrestling
Looking forward to the eventual match between @gigidolin_wwe & @BDavenportWWE! According to Cagematch.net they have only had a one-on-one match a month ago at a #WWENXT house show.
#HellsFavoriteHarlot vs. #TopDaijin
#topdaijin #hellsfavoriteharlot #WWENXT
TV TONIGHT (August 15)
#GoodBones #TheLoveExperiment #StorageWars #BodyCam #HighSpeedChase #PawnStars #ReinventingElvis #OMITB #TheUltimateFighter #AGT #BeatShazam #WWENXT #Chopped #Outdaughtered #DarkSideOfThe2000s #JustifiedCityPrimeval #HardKnocks
#hardknocks #justifiedcityprimeval #darksideofthe2000s #outdaughtered #Chopped #WWENXT #beatshazam #AGT #theultimatefighter #OMITB #reinventingelvis #pawnStars #highspeedchase #bodycam #storagewars #theloveexperiment #goodbones