#WWI #Wilson #RedScare How Wilson crushed the antiwar left during World War one
A focal point in time: the Christmas Truce of 1914. What if the soldiers had forced an end to the Great War, and changed history forever?
Read more at my #blog:
This post's featured image is a Victorian vision of Peace on Earth, which would gain whole new significance in such a timeline.
#alternatehistory #history #Christmas #holiday #worldbuilding #war #WorldWarI #WWI
#blog #alternatehistory #history #christmas #holiday #worldbuilding #war #WorldWarI #WWI
Today's poem:
Dulce et Décorum Est, by Wilfred Owen
#war #death #patriotism #lies #WilfredOwen #poetry #honour #filth #deception #WWI
#war #death #patriotism #lies #WilfredOwen #poetry #honour #filth #deception #WWI
Today's poem:
Justice, by Rudyard Kipling.
#poetry #RudyardKipling #patriotism #WWI #war #death #honour #peace
#poetry #RudyardKipling #patriotism #WWI #war #death #honour #peace
I leanrt more about #Czech history and #WWI #WWII in this than I have in just about anything else...
So just watch All Quiet on the Western Front again and as usual had to read about the history of WWI. Its amazing how poorly the historical factors of WW1 are explained in school and in general life. Understanding the war is crucial to understanding 2022. #WWI #Trotsky #Marx
« Contrairement à une légende tenace, non, le zeppelin n’est pas un engin qui prend feu à la première étincelle venue. »
#unOdieuxConnard #curiosité #vulgarisation #histoire #guerre #premièreGruerreMondiale #WWI
#unOdieuxConnard #curiosité #vulgarisation #histoire #guerre #premièreGruerreMondiale #WWI
Bisschen langweilig heute. Ich sitze immer noch hauptsächlich am "Kriegstagebuch" von 1915, und jetzt schreibt Heinrich schon die x. Seite (mit Unterbrechungen) darüber, warum die Versenkung der Lusitania ja gar nicht in echt Deutschlands Schuld war, sondern nur die Konsequenz von Englands böser, böser Aushungerungspolitik. Und wie unfair die ganze Welt D. gegenüber sei usw. Dabei hatte Deutschland quasi keine andere Wahl!!11! 🙄 🤦♀️
#Lusitania #Kriegstagebuch #WWI
#WWI #Kriegstagebuch #lusitania
Coming across this take, I tend to agree, in as much as I am getting some World War I vibes from this lockdown era; like WWI it's a futile, pointless, suicidal struggle dominated by a grim grinding bleakness, where the only victor is the cackling demons of statolatry, and the people of the world, the *whole world*, lose. We can and we must do better.
#thoughts #coronavirus #COVID #COVID19 #pandemic #lockdown #history #WorldWarI #WWI
#thoughts #coronavirus #COVID #COVID19 #pandemic #lockdown #history #WorldWarI #WWI
CENTRAL BANKS — the #cyberThreat that started in 1913 with the sinking of #TheTitanic.
#1913 #centralBanks #theft #fraud #WWI #WWII #violence #repression #complexityTheatre #moneyPrinterGoDrr #counterfiat #counterfiatCurrency #counterfeitCurrencies #howVeryKeynesian
#cyberthreat #TheTitanic #centralBanks #theft #fraud #WWI #wwii #violence #repression #complexityTheatre #moneyPrinterGoDrr #counterfiat #counterfiatCurrency #counterfeitCurrencies #HowVeryKeynesian
Central bankers are not #evil, they've just been funding both sides of #wars for the sake of curiosity.
#sport #centralBanks #itsASportDumDum #WWI #CIA #WWII #curiosity #bloodSport #divideAndRule #breadAndCircuses #bitcoinFixesThis
#evil #wars #sport #centralBanks #itsASportDumDum #WWI #cia #wwii #curiosity #bloodSport #divideandrule #breadAndCircuses #bitcoinfixesthis
The #wars were *much smaller* and *much less frequent*, because govt needed to raise #taxes to fund them. Taxation is vastly unpopular and thus the wars were far less prevalent (and far less popularised by media).
We cannot compare the last 108 years to past ages.
Game's over.
#fiatCurrency #inflationIsTheft #silentTheft #inflation #worldWars #thirdWorldisation #regimeChange #fiatWorldWars #WWI #WWII #goldStandard #bankerLedWorldWars #bankerCrimes #cantillonEffect
#wars #taxes #fiatCurrency #inflationIsTheft #silentTheft #inflation #worldwars #thirdworldisation #regimechange #fiatWorldWars #WWI #wwii #goldstandard #bankerLedWorldWars #bankerCrimes #cantilloneffect
Interesting how the supposed people behind 911 have yet to be put on trial.
Anyone who believes the 911 story bout some generic bearded guy needs their head read. So much points to Project #Gladio with saudis to continue #WWI.
It seems in Afganistan, #opium & #lithium were wanted.
Thanks to the recent #BoliviaCoup the #USA have access to the largest lithium source on earth?
If so, "Bye Afganis - nice bombing you!"
#gladio #WWI #opium #lithium #BoliviaCoup #usa