Vditor is a browser-side Markdown editor, Support WYSIWYG, instant rendering (similar to Typora) and split-screen preview mode. https://github.com/Vanessa219/vditor/blob/master/README_en_US.md
The "Typora" (really bad and intentionally misleading name...) VScode extension uses Vditor (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=cweijan.vscode-typora)
I also like(d) the "Markdown Editor" as Typora like Editor (https://github.com/zaaack/vscode-markdown-editor), but I think the development stopped.
#vditor #markdown #WYSIWYG #typora
"You know what? I’m over that nonsense. I’m not going to write in #Word and if you want to collaborate on a #paper or #article with me it’s going to be in #Orgmode, #Markdown, or even #LaTeX but not some brain-dead #wordprocessor like Word."
Irreal: Academic #Writing in #Emacs
#Word #paper #article #orgmode #markdown #latex #wordprocessor #writing #emacs #WYSIWYG
Die nächste Version von #WriteFreely bekommt neben dem Markdown-Editor einen mit #WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). Dieser ist optional. Im Hintergrund bleibt es Markdown.
Die 5 Minuten Lernkurve für grundlegendes #Markdown ist leider doch noch für viele eine zu große Hürde...
#writefreely #WYSIWYG #markdown