It's already rained a little outside and there's a brisk wind coming from the west side of the house, so I'm calling it: time to open windows.
Today in Outside: cool winds, a pink-red sunset, the stench of burning forest.
Heads up: the wildfire smoke from the east is about to reach the west side of the Cascades. If you've got outdoor things to do before the smoke hits (and it looks like it will be a PM 2.5 rating of 100-200 aka VERY UNHEALTHY) then now is the time to do those outdoor things.
Just opened the front door and whew, that is one evil wind blowing. Like sitting near an open oven with a fan going. No thank you. I closed the door, and thanked myself for enduring the heat pump installation earlier this year, because it is doing a great job today. I will sleep well tonight.
Air quality is going bad again out there. Looks like we're getting some of the Sourdough fire smoke? You can see a steady column of bad air measurements marching down from the north-east. #seattle #WashingtonState #AirQuality #wawx #wildfires
#seattle #WashingtonState #AirQuality #WaWx #wildfires
The heatwave switched off overnight, and now Seattle has a cool, grey morning in it's place - just one of those days where everyone has their windows open to let the wind run through and chase the bad air out. Feels good.
Looking much better out there now. Still hazy, but there's a good wind blowing and it feels safe to have the windows open 👍 #seattle #AirQuality #wawx #smoke
#seattle #AirQuality #WaWx #smoke
Whew that was a warm and LOUD night! Time to open the windows and get some fresh... aw shit :(
#seattle #WaWx #AirQuality #smoke
Watched the weather turn from rain to snow in the time it took me to get ready for bed, and it is coming down *hard*. I remember a year or two ago when we had a forecast like this and it just would not stop snowing, and then we ended up with 12 inches in the back yard so... 😬 I just hope we don't all wake up to a shit show in the morning. Just a light blanket + damp sidewalks, that'll do nicely. #seattle #weather #wawx
Good morning from near the top of the giant storm system having a munch on the west coast of the continent. Today, the wind chill is TOO DAMN LOW. 29F that feels like 21F? I don't even know what that means! I'm staying in bed until this situation improves. #seattle #wawx #weather
Our weather today was all over the place, but there were these amazing views to start and end my day. Goodnight Thursday!
#WaWx #pnw #naturerocks #stoptolook
RT @DeedeeKIRO7
😱😱😱 Holy moly!!! One crash after another. This is near Seattle's Judkin's Park. Pedestrian almost gets hit too!
@NWPromo on youtube took this video & tells me no one was hurt.
But it is STILL very icy out there. Stay home if you can!!!