Amid Continued #Sovereignty Campaign, #Wabanaki REACH Creates Play as Part of Truth-Telling Project
Evan Popp, Maine Beacon
Thu, August 31, 2023
"As part of a truth-telling initiative that seeks to illuminate the issue of land claims and the 1980 #SettlementAct as well as celebrate the resilience of #Indigenous communities, the group #WabanakiREACH has partnered with a #Maine-based #theater organization to create a play developed by and for #Wabanaki people.
"The play, titled where the river widens, is an original, community-developed production and is being put on in partnership with #ThreadbareTheatreWorkshop, a group located on the Blue Hill peninsula. The work is the first public offering based on a project in which Wabanaki REACH — an organization supporting Indigenous self-determination through education and other restorative practices — spent a year gathering more than 40 oral history interviews from Wabanaki people and those in Maine about Maine Indian land claims and the 1980 Settlement Act.
"As Beacon previously reported, Wabanaki tribes have long argued that the Settlement Act has stifled tribes’ economic development and allowed the state to treat sovereign Indigenous nations as municipalities, creating a paternalistic and unfair relationship that no other federally-recognized tribe is subject to. Given that, the Wabanaki have created a grassroots movement in the last couple years behind reforming the Settlement Act to recognize the tribes’ inherent sovereignty, but opposition from Gov. #JanetMills has stymied such efforts despite broad support for change from the public.
"Earlier this year, tribal leaders also attempted to pass a bill to ensure that the Wabanaki would have access to most federal laws that benefit Indigenous tribes around the country. Proponents of that legislation noted that because of the Settlement Act, any federal law enacted after 1980 for the benefit of tribes across the U.S. that impacts the application of Maine law doesn’t apply to the Wabanaki unless they are specifically included in the measure by Congress. However, Mills in June vetoed the measure pushed by tribal leaders to rectify that situation.
"Given the power of the stories Wabanaki REACH was able to collect on the subject, Maria Girouard, the group’s executive director, said the organization felt it was important to share those experiences with a wider audience via theater.
“We were so moved by the stories we gathered, it was a natural next step to talk about theater as a way of continuing to move the conversation from the head to the heart, to reach more people, and to gather in community,” Girouard said.
"The play is set outdoors along the #PenobscotRiver, which itself has been the subject of land claim disputes and issues related to tribal sovereignty. It stitches together music, song, dance and the interviews from Beyond the Claims: Stories from the Land & the Heart — the name of the Wabanaki REACH truth-telling initiative.
"A news release about where the river widens also describes it as a 'poetic, spare, lyrical movement through stories, place, and time” and a thought-provoking play that “not only illuminates a complex and tumultuous era, but celebrates the beauty, creativity, and resilience of Wabanaki people.'
"#Threadbare said they are excited to be working with Wabanaki REACH on the play, which features #LilahAkins, #EstherAnne, #NickBear, #WolatqinBear, #AndreaFrancis, #MariaGirouard, #DaleLolar, #GeorgeLoring, #MargoLukens, #JoshuaMcCarey, and #ErlenePaul as co-creators and performers.
"'Threadbare’s way of co-creating, not only with community members but inspired by them, aligns so beautifully with Wabanaki REACH’s values of connection and joy,' said Kate Russell, artistic director of Threadbare Theatre Workshop. 'I am grateful for the generous folks who have come together this summer to create and perform this play — they are brilliant.'
"There will be two public performances of the hour-long play on Indian Island on Sept. 16 and Sept. 17 at 5 p.m. With space limited, those who want to attend must register ahead of time to reserve seats by visiting"
#IndigenousNews #WabanakiConfederacy #PenobscotNation #Maliseet #Passamaquoddy #Mikmaq #FirstNations #MaineTribes #Arts #Theatre #TruthTelling #NativeAmericans
#sovereignty #Wabanaki #settlementact #indigenous #wabanakireach #maine #theater #threadbaretheatreworkshop #janetmills #penobscotriver #threadbare #lilahakins #estheranne #nickbear #wolatqinbear #andreafrancis #mariagirouard #dalelolar #georgeloring #margolukens #joshuamccarey #erlenepaul #indigenousnews #wabanakiconfederacy #penobscotnation #maliseet #passamaquoddy #Mikmaq #firstnations #mainetribes #arts #theatre #truthtelling #nativeamericans
In the #PenobscotNation, a lack of jurisdiction hampers tribal courts
by Donovan Lynch, August 31, 2023
"But often, the tribal court doesn’t have the jurisdiction to remedy these problems on its own. As a result of the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980, the State of Maine has broad power over matters of law and order on tribal land."
#IndigenousNews #WabanakiConfederacy #FirstNations #MaineTribes #Wabanaki #NativeAmericans
#penobscotnation #indigenousnews #wabanakiconfederacy #firstnations #mainetribes #Wabanaki #nativeamericans
So, when I was a journalist (in the 1990s and early 2000s), I corresponded with Brenda Norrell (of Censored News), who was shut out Indian Country Today for reporting on certain subjects. I also interviewed #Indigenous elders and leaders -- including two #Wabanaki governors.
Pretty much the message I got from all of them was that if we didn't change our ways and reverse exploitation of #MotherEarth then we would suffer the consequences. I believe we are now in the time that was spoken of...
The Hopi prophecies are coming true — here’s why we should pay attention
by Cyril Christo | Aug. 4, 2021
"If the mentality that rules the modern world wins, and the true caretakers of land and life lose charge of their trust, the human sojourn in this world will come to a painful conclusion, along with almost every other life form. But if the wisdom of the Ancient World prevails, our peaceful tenure could last indefinitely. It is time humanity chose either the path of annihilation or the path of everlasting life.
"Not long ago Davi Kopenawa, an elder of the Yanomami of the Amazon, whose people have suffered invasions of their land, killings by foreign gold miners and unprecedented fires, told the world, whatever is happening to us, will happen to you.
"Listening, respecting and acting on the wisdom of the first peoples of the world may save civilization. The elders have been right all along. The emergency is here. It has arrived. The time to act is now."
#indigenous #Wabanaki #motherearth #ClimateCrisis #IndigenousWisdom
Maine Legislature vote expands sovereignty for Native American tribes
Story by By DAVID SHARP, Associated Press, June 22, 2023
"Native American tribes in #Maine took an important step toward greater sovereignty as the state Legislature voted to let most federal laws apply to #Wabanaki tribes, putting them on the same footing as other federally recognized tribes across the country.
"Both the Maine House and Senate approved the bill with enough support [from both Democrats and Republicans] Wednesday to overcome a potential veto of the bill [by Democrat Governor #JanetMills].
“Today signifies a landmark victory in the pursuit of Wabanaki self-determination," Penobscot Nation Chief Kirk Francis said Thursday in a statement. The Penobscot are one member of the Wabanaki Nations, which encompasses Indigenous peoples living in what is now Maine.
"Democratic Gov. Janet Mills has opposed the bill, sponsored by House Speaker #RachelTalbo Ross, expressing concerns that it could lead to confusion and lawsuits. Her office had no immediate comment on the legislative action.
"#Tribes in Maine are set apart from the other 570 federally recognized tribes across the country because of the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act, which stipulates they’re bound by state law and treats tribal reservations much like municipalities. That 1980 settlement for the #Passamaquoddy, #Penobscot and #Maliseet, along with a 1991 agreement for the Mi’kmaq, set the tribes apart from others in the country."
#NativeAmericanNews #Sovereignty #MaineSettlementAct #Mikmaq #FirstNations
#maine #Wabanaki #janetmills #racheltalbo #tribes #passamaquoddy #penobscot #maliseet #nativeamericannews #sovereignty #mainesettlementact #Mikmaq #firstnations
#Dawnland film screening, Thursday, April 13th in Portland, #Maine
via #Wabanaki Reach:
"Please join us on Thursday, April 13th, at 6pm (reception at 5:30pm) in Hannaford Hall, for a Dawnland Film Screening and Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Panel Discussion.
View the Dawnland Trailer:
This special public event is about the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978, (ICWA), widely considered the gold standard in child welfare policy. The Supreme Court will determine whether ICWA continues as the law of the land. What does this mean for people in Maine?
The event consists of an in-person screening of the broadcast version of Dawnland followed by a panel discussion. Dawnland is an Emmy award winning film about the work of Wabanaki REACH and the Maine Wabanaki-State Child Welfare Truth and Reconciliation Commission."
#Dawnland #maine #Wabanaki #indigenousnews #ICWA #wabanakireach
#Wabanaki Tribes Make Case for Self-Determination in Historic Address Before Legislature
By Dan Neumann, March 22, 2023
"For the first time in state history, leaders of all the Wabanaki Nations addressed both chambers of the Maine State Legislature on Thursday. They called for recognition in law and policy of Wabanaki inherent sovereignty.
"Underscoring a rift between the tribes and Gov. Janet Mills on the issue of tribal self-determination, the Democratic governor was not in attendance. In contrast, Congressman Jared Golden, a Democrat from Lewiston who sponsored federal legislation to give the tribes more rights, listened to the address from the floor of the Maine House.
"'The blood sweat and tears of our ancestors run through this land and it will continue to do so for generations to come,' Penobscot Chief Kirk Francis said as part of a State of the Tribes address. 'We are not going anywhere. All we want is for the state government to break decisively from the past and join the era of self-determination for tribal nations that has proven so successful throughout the rest of the country.'
"'We are capable of self-governance and should be treated as partners rather than threats to the future of the state,' Francis added. 'We want a relationship with the state government that is based on mutual trust, fidelity and respect.'"
#PenobscotNation #Maliseet #Passamaquoddy #Mikmaq #FirstNations #IndigenousNews #MaineTribes #Wabanaki #WabanakiConfederacy #NativeAmericans
#Wabanaki #penobscotnation #maliseet #passamaquoddy #Mikmaq #firstnations #indigenousnews #mainetribes #wabanakiconfederacy #nativeamericans
From my blog:
Protecting #Maine’s Life-Giving Rivers
December 21, 2022
"This was a published news story that I wrote after interviewing leaders of Maine's First Nations and doing some research on the Maine Settlement Act. Even though it's from 2001, it gives background of what went wrong in 1980 (and before), and why Senator Angus King's betrayal of Maine's First Nations is just another BETRAYAL by white men in power! I still stand behind this piece, and so wish Senator King would have EVOLVED! Maybe he needs to attend a #Wabanaki REACH workshop and watch #Dawnland. Even allies like myself should watch Dawnland! Anyhow, here it is. And yes, there is a LOT more work to be done!"
#WaterIsLife #MaineRivers #NativeAmericans #IndigenousAlly
#maine #Wabanaki #Dawnland #waterislife #mainerivers #nativeamericans #indigenousally
#Wabanaki leaders, allies gather in Augusta for 'Celebration of Rising Voices'
January 4, 2023
"At the Governor Hill Mansion in Augusta from 6 to 8 p.m., the Wabanaki Alliance is hosting a “Celebration of Rising Voices” event. The #Penobscot Nation Tribal Ambassador, Maulian Dana said she hopes the event will sustain the goodwill between the alliance and legislators.
"Wabanaki Leaders argue that the tribal nations in Maine are denied benefits that many other tribes in the country possess. Tonight’s celebration serves to remind new legislators of that disparity and the progress made in the last session."
#Wabanaki #penobscot #maine #nativeamericans #firstnations #indigenous
Bangor High will pilot a Wabanaki language and history course
"Bangor High School will pilot a one-semester #Wabanaki language, history and culture course this spring, after recruiting a member of the Aroostook Band of Mi'kmaqs with expertise in teaching"
#Wabanaki #indigenous #maine #nativeamerican
#Wabanaki tribes criticize Maine senator
by Steve Mistler, Maine Public, December 30, 2022
"The alliance representing Wabanaki tribes in Maine is criticizing independent U.S. Sen. Angus King for blocking an initiative that would have allowed the tribes to benefit from future federal Indian laws."
#Indigenous #NativeAmerican #FirstNations
#Wabanaki #indigenous #nativeamerican #firstnations
#WJC World Jr. Championships player of the game #awards feature #art from 4 #Wabanaki #artists — 'These #sticks will be cherished forever,' says Millbrook First Nation's Lorne Julien / #hockey #indigenous
#indigenous #hockey #sticks #artists #Wabanaki #art #awards #wjc
I guess Senator #AngusKing didn't read this article, eh?
Harvard study finds sovereignty constraints on Maine tribes caused them enormous economic damage
Colin Woodard, Portland Press Herald, Maine, December 9, 2022
"A new study by researchers at the Harvard Kennedy School has concluded that #Maine's tribes have been economically hobbled by the restrictions placed on their sovereignty and ability to access federal Indian policy under the terms of the controversial 1980 land claims settlement agreement."
#Wabanaki #Indigenous #NativeAmerican
#angusking #maine #Wabanaki #indigenous #nativeamerican
I just came across this article from #Wabanaki REACH about an initiative to educate others about the truth behind Maine Claims Settlement Act.
Beyond the Claims– Stories from the Land & the Heart
September 2022
Wabanaki REACH director, Maria Girouard: "I have witnessed changes brought about by the land claims, its impacts to my tribal community and how the land claims legislation has been used against #Penobscot and #Passamaquoddy people for years. I am hopeful that this project will illuminate the human side of this story and lay a foundation for meaningful change based on truth and understanding. The story of the land claims is more than just legalese in legislative documents."
#Indigenous #Maine #NativeAmerican
#Wabanaki #indigenous #maine #nativeamerican #penobscot #passamaquoddy
Just realized my first intro post wasn't hashtagged with my interests, so: Am a middle school #Science teacher, well left-of-center, live-and-let-live. From #Maine, unceded land of the #Wabanaki. Love music, mostly #Indie/rock/power pop. Love my family and my cats. Love #nature, #hiking, #NordicSkiing, #PittsburghPirates, playing #guitar, #rockhounding and #gardening.
#science #maine #Wabanaki #indie #nature #hiking #nordicskiing #pittsburghpirates #guitar #rockhounding #gardening #introductions
Sea level rise will erase this.
#SeaLevelRise will erase this.
#Art #Photography #Climate #Chignecto #Wabanaki #Design #Ecocide #NBPoli #CdnPoli #SenCA #DIVEST #SciComm #OpenScience #OceanAcidification
#SeaLevelRiseWillEraseThis #Chignecto #design #sealevelrise #art #Wabanaki #ecocide #nbpoli #cdnpoli #senca #photography #climate #divest #scicomm #openscience #oceanacidification
1980 settlement act is holding #Maine tribes back economically, new report finds
"U.S. tribes have seen per-capita incomes rise 61 percent, while the #Wabanaki have seen only a 9 percent increase."
#NativeAmerican #Indigenous #FirstNations
#maine #Wabanaki #nativeamerican #indigenous #firstnations
I recently attended an online #Wabanaki REACH program. It was powerful and very educational! I highly recommend it to anyone who is a #NativeAmerican ally, as well as the general public!
"We have adapted our regular programming to an online format and have created exciting, new, innovative programs that are just as engaging and impactful - the next best thing to being in-person.
"To schedule a Wabanaki REACH Program please complete our questionnaire: Wabanaki REACH - Program Request Form
"#Maine Community Organizer Heather Augustine will then contact you to help you choose and schedule the program that is right for your organization, agency, place of worship, community, or school."
#Wabanaki #nativeamerican #maine #indigenous
Rent #Dawnland from your local library -- or schedule a showing and presentation via #Wabanaki Reach! #Maine #Indigenous #NativeAmerican
#Dawnland #Wabanaki #maine #indigenous #nativeamerican
I just finished watching #Dawnland, and now this happens? Maybe #AngusKing should watch it! No thanks to him for betraying #Maine #NativeAmericans and denying them the same rights as other #FirstNations!
Maine tribal leaders denounce Sen. King for blocking #Wabanaki sovereignty bill
#Dawnland #angusking #maine #nativeamericans #firstnations #Wabanaki
Bill that would have given Maine tribes benefits of future federal law is blocked
"PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Congress has halted a bill that would have allowed #NativeAmerican tribes in #Maine to get the same benefits of future federal laws that tribes across the rest of the U.S. do.
"Native American leaders in Maine blamed independent Sen. #AngusKing for blocking the proposal, which would have applied to tribes bound by terms of a Maine land claims settlement.
"'There is no legitimate policy justification for the #Wabanaki Nations to be treated differently from all other 570 federally recognized Tribal Nations, yet that is what this outcome will perpetuate,' said Chief William Nicholas Sr. of the #Passamaquoddy Tribe at Indian Township, known as Motahkmikuk."
#nativeamerican #maine #angusking #Wabanaki #passamaquoddy #indigenous