if you watch this, then thank you for enjoying #WadaTakuma 's performance. My oshi's face is just so good in it, right? wwwwwww
#accomplishmentoffudanshibartender #WadaTakuma #fudanshibartendernotashinami
4. trading card sleeves! There are 4 types of sleeve, and for each type there are 5 qty.
As I said, this is actually for trading card, but for cheki (the #WadaTakuma cheki is back again haha) it looks great too!
5. bromide sleeve! This also has 4 types, with 5 qty for each type.
SO CUTE and look at how even more beautiful #Tousute Kiden's Chougi looks in the glittery sleeve though OMGGGG
So I got myself some things from the #Sanrio Enjoy Idol series
1. plushie pouch! Look at how well Seishirou looks in it
2. acrylic standee pouch! This is for the smaller sizes of akuki. For instance, my #Tousute Kiden standees are too big for this (DAMN!), but also, look at that #WadaTakuma standee looks so secure in it
3. cheki holder. This is the absolutely perfect size for the cheki, especially if you want to show off your 2-shots with your oshi HAHA
ah, I added this on DW too
#baraounosouretsu #requiemoftheroseking #WadaTakuma #wakatsukiyumi #arimasayato #barasute
off stage and on stage
#WadaTakuma #baraounosouretsu #requiemoftheroseking #barasute
Please see how #WakatsukiYumi and #ArimaSayato act as Richard in the #BaraouNoSouretsu / #RequiemOfTheRoseKing stage play, because they both are just SO AMAZING Waka Richard Sayato Richard
(oh, and #WadaTakuma 's Henry is of course SO EXCELLENT too)
#wakatsukiyumi #arimasayato #baraounosouretsu #requiemoftheroseking #WadaTakuma #barasute
【Dec.8】Accomplishment of Fudanshi Bartender Episode 1 - Watch Online | GagaOOLala - Find Your Story
I can't believe my #WadaTakuma has something up on ggll now. LMAO
My post for #FudanshiBartenderNoTashinami / #AccomplishmentOfFudanshiBartender here! on Tumblr, or on DW:
#fudanshibartendernotashinami #accomplishmentoffudanshibartender #WadaTakuma
I was rewatching #Tousute Kiden yesterday (as I should!), and this expression on #WadaTakuma 's #KasenKanesada 's face never fails to hurt. His expression and body language here as he looks at his Sansai sama and his Tama sama together in the end. Too good.
#Tousute #WadaTakuma #KasenKanesada
IT'S HERE AAAAAAA My #RequiemOfTheRoseKing stage play Blu-ray is here! I can see #WadaTakuma as Henry again! #Barasute
#requiemoftheroseking #WadaTakuma #barasute
this is actually one of my most favorite #WadaTakuma pics. It just looks so... especially with that smeared lipstick WOW
so, so, so, so.
I livetweet all time on the other place, especially when I watch something that has my oshi #WadaTakuma in it (for example: #RequiemOfTheRoseKing stage play livetweet here )
...apologies in advance, everyone.
So if I want to do something similar here (livetoot!), I should make the first toot public, and then the following toots unlisted. Is this correct?
#WadaTakuma #requiemoftheroseking
For #FullMetalAlchemist stage play! #ButaiHagaren #舞台ハガレン
#WadaTakuma as #RoyMustang (w-cast)
#AokiJin as #RoyMustang (w-cast)
#TsukuiMinami as #RizaHawkeye
#KimisawaYuki as #JeanHavoc
#fullmetalalchemist #ButaiHagaren #舞台ハガレン #WadaTakuma #roymustang #AokiJin #TsukuiMinami #rizahawkeye #KimisawaYuki #JeanHavoc
please look at my Daily #WadaTakuma today.
my account won't be complete without pictures of #WadaTakuma 🐻 , in this case as #KasenKanesada in #Tousute or #ToukenRanbu stage play.
So yeah, if you follow me, most likely you will see a lot of his face (also on my profile pic!). ...Apologies in advance? 😂
#WadaTakuma #KasenKanesada #Tousute #toukenranbu
continuing this.
Aside from #WadaTakuma , #2_5D , #CQL , #CLAMP , #BoysLove , I also enjoy:
#KamenRider although I'm stuck on Decade, W and Gaim, #supersentai , although I'm stuck on Gokai, ToQ and Kyuren.
Right now I'm looking forward for #Hagaren stage play, more #Tousute a.k.a. #ToukenRanbu stage play, more #Narusute a.k.a. Naruto stage playand #FuutoPI stage play
#WadaTakuma #2_5D #cql #clamp #boyslove #kamenrider #supersentai #Hagaren #Tousute #toukenranbu #narusute #fuutopi
kinda impressed that I've been posting a picture of #WadaTakuma daily since 2017 (A PICTURE, yeah, right. Sometimes it's more than 10 pictures in one day when I just get his new things)... and tbh I still have hundreds more I haven't posted LOL