@marksibly I recommend exploring the works of Ria Hall, Maisey Rika and Stan Walker. They’re all together with Troy Kingi on Stan Walker’s ‘Aotearoa’.
#JukeboxFridayNight #LyricsNotInEnglish #Māori #waiata
#JukeboxFridayNight #lyricsnotinenglish #maori #Waiata
I find ‘Te Ahi Kai Pō’ by Ria Hall and Te Ori Paki an angry/heartbroken reaching for life after grievous loss. It’s complicated and painful and necessary.
Teeks and Ngā Tūmanako covered it for the Silver Scrolls awards in 2018.
Have both versions, starting with the cover.
#JukeboxFridayNight #LyricsNotInEnglish #Māori #waiata
#JukeboxFridayNight #lyricsnotinenglish #maori #Waiata