So they're saying we may get snow flurries here tomorrow. Bundle up! #Wairarapa
This is amazing (in a bad way). Wairarapa Hospital was built in 2006... and it's not earthquake-safe, and it needs $$millions to fix, and they are planning to build a new building now? What the heck? This was the new one to replace the old one! Something went seriously wrong somewhere.
#Wairarapa #hospital #bureaucracy
Hello local friends.
Anyone know if the McLachlan Stone Circle in Rangitūmau is ever open to the public (or indeed if it still exists!). We went there back in 2001, just after it was constructed, but have never heard anything about it since.
At the time it was the only stone circle in New Zealand, and one of only two in Australasia.
#Wairarapa #masterton #stonecircles #newzealand #aotearoa
okay, one of my kids actually had managed to get on video, but it really doesn't capture how it was, as there is no scale, and the phone was handheld so they seem to be moving up instead of just across the sky. (also, they weren't flickering... that's a side effect of the video compression). This was a couple of mins (?) after my photo was taken, so the things were already much smaller. Just before one blinked out. #sky #wairarapa #whatarethey
Here's a photo, which doesn't really show how awesome it was. #sky #wairarapa
Okay, who in the Wairarapa was outside just now who saw the 2 very bright orange spheres in the sky, moving across north to east, with one eventually "burning out" and the other carrying on for another two minutes toward the eastern horizon before burning out itself!
#sky #freaky
#wairarapa #newzealand #matariki
#sky #freaky #Wairarapa #newzealand #matariki
Had to get up early for an appointment down in the Hutt. Driving down SH2 in the #Wairarapa I had the big bright full moon in front of me, and the extremely bright orange sun rising behind me. I was glad to be driving towards the moon and not the sun!
currently tracking the Spitfire on flight tracker on its flyover ... just flew over the square in Martinborough and about to go over Greytown. I better go outside in a couple mins so I don't miss it over Masterton
#wairarapa #airforce
We've had 75mm of rain in the last 24 hours and it's still raining. #rain #weather #wairarapa
Anyone in #Wairarapa healthcare know why we have such a surge of #covid19 hospitalisations?? Currently have 17 in hospital, which is a new record (the prior peak was back in July last year with 15). Did Covid get into a resthome?
**Summary for 17 Apr 2023**
* New Cases: 1,506 ( ↑ 285)
* Rolling 7-day avg: 2,029 ( ↑ 28)
* Hospitalisations: 363 ( ↑ 43)
Note that 17 in hospital in the #Wairarapa is an all time high for covid patients (last winter's peak was 15).
full #covid19nz by location:
Such a beautiful morning (taken on our walk)
#Wairarapa #Masterton #Lake #photography #landscape
#Wairarapa #masterton #lake #photography #landscape
I went for a 'hot girl walk' up the One Tree Hill trail in Tararua Forest Park in Featherston over the weekend - although it was pretty short, it was all uphill and gave my lungs a run for their money!
#hotgirlwalk #Wairarapa #nz #aotearoa #Hike #bushwalk
Turns out that if you don't have any sausages, a black iron frying pan is a great way to make burgers over an open fire. I can also confirm that the 11yo actually did have a good time. 😂 #OceanBeach #Wairarapa
Mauriceville West School #Wairarapa
27th November Official notification of school closing at end of this year. Great Scrambles over who should get what gear. Me have first pick
Formally closed on 24th November by Board
29th November Water has run out Alternative supply nothing.
15th December School formally closed today. All equipment removed except heavy furniture.
3rd June.
The school was handed back to the government to be passed onto the Domain Board
Mauriceville West School #Wairarapa 1972
27th February Unveiling at Kopuaranga of a memorial plaque commemorating the early Scandinavian Settlers in the Mauriceville West
5th May My last Day at teaching Mauriceville West
Statement included:
Mauriceville West School #Wairarapa 1971
2nd February Full Roll 8, 6 boys 2 girls
22nd February Visited by three members of the inspectorate- discussed future of the school.
24th February School Picnic at Queen Elizabeth Park at Masterton
16th March Post Office PRO discussed savings with the children- one of the few visits of this nature that has been worthwhile.
Mauriceville West School #Wairarapa 1969
12th march Visit from Mr Yule, traffic officer. Main theme Safety on Bicycles. Very opportune as all but one pupil now has a bike and some of them are ignorant of Road Rules.
6th August Country School Sports- Memorial Park.
Went to “Oliver” in the morning. Film enjoyed by children and adults alike.
Mauriceville West School #Wairarapa 1967
10th August Visit from Kopuaranga to arrange parts for play to be performed at North Masterton Country Groups cultural festival. 16th August Older boys to Kopuaranga to practice “Whiteman Aren’t for Eating”
[Hard to find much on this play, but from upper class Geelong College Australia:
"United Nations Day: A humorous play 'White Men Are Not For Eating' with emphasis on racial tolerance was presented by the Drama Club."
December 1967]
Mauriceville West School #Wairarapa
February 1964. New log book. A Summary of all residents of Mauriceville West and who lived where is made.
a) All the roads are metalled and good quality
b) Most of the houses connected to the telephone. A party
line (917) linked to the Masterton Manual Exchange.
c) The remainder are on an automatic party line.
d) Mail is delivered every day except Sunday
e) Three houses have TV Sets
f) The Times Age evening newspaper is delivered to some