#Wallonie : le ministre Adrien Dolimont propose une réduction des effectifs des cabinets ministériels avec une quasi-intégration dans les administrations, une économie dans les implantations et une distribution plus logique des compétences entre ministres.
#wallonie #politique #administration #gestion #bonnegestion #WalPol
@Annevelink_AD @DanHayes take a look at the community guidelines. Use #ukpol and #walpol, content wrappers for courtesy and you will be fine. Thankyou (in advance) for your contributions
@JakeMike112 you'll probably find some stuff related to cost of living at #ukpol or #walpol
Excellent article here on the outcome of the #Welsh local authority elections by the #InstituteofWelshAffairs
#cymru #Wales #ukpol #WalPol #InstituteofWelshAffairs #welsh
I'm happy to see that an article about #Wales and #WalPol makes it to the UK press, but there not much new for those of us who live here...
@athairbirb @TheBeastOfBaglan there are rumours of discontent with the leadership by some in the grassroots but I have no inside info. Also - not sure whether their last election was good or not, that can have a big impact on the next set of results
I love the #Hiraeth podcast. My number 1 #Welsh politics pod. This week's episode is about the upcoming council elections. Subscribe via RSS at https://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:830059213/sounds.rss
Other ways of subscribing are available 😂 (but don't use them)
#WalPol #cymru #Wales #welsh #hiraeth