4/ „Verfolgt den Temperaturanstieg, nicht unsere Bewegungsprofile.“
Analog könnte man natürlich auch „IPCC“ radeln.
Bei #FridaysForFuture sind ja sehr viele #Waldorf-Schüler*innen. Die können ihren Namen tanzen. Ich bin dafür, dass Buchstaben-in-die-Stadt-Fahren in die Lehrpläne aufgenommen wird. Und zwar für alle Schulen. Wer weiß, wofür man das später mal brauchen kann.
„Du, guck mal: Was machen die denn heute??? Das ergibt doch gar keinen Sinn! Sonst war der immer früh beim Bäcker, aber heute zum Fleischer? Ich dachte, der wäre #vegan???!!!?? Warte! Das sind Wörter. Guck: `Lest' und da, das n ist jetzt auch fertig. IPCC-Bericht!“
„Herr Söder, wir haben's rausgefunden: Die von #LetzteGeneration radeln einfach zum Spaß durch die Stadt. Sie radeln Buchstaben. Schauen Sie! Da steht: „Lest den IPCC-Bericht.“ Wir haben mal nachgeguckt, was das ist. Der ist sehr kompliziert, aber wir könnten Ihnen die Zusammenfassung für Entscheider ausdrucken.“
(Natürlich würden die „Entscheider“ sagen, bei „Entscheider*innen“ würde #Söder ganz #gaga werden.)
#FridaysForFuture #Waldorf #vegan #LetzteGeneration #soder #gaga #nichtfurdieschulefurslebenlernenwir #FediLZ #Waldorfschule #gendern
In #Waldorf #education, the teacher meditates on each child in her class, each night. Even if the teacher spends only 2 mins per child, assuming she has 15 kids, that's 30 mins each day, every day. Glad I've only got one.
Last night, I meditated on my daughter and the maths block coming up soon. And I was hit by an idea that got me out of bed. 2 hours later, I've completely rewritten the maths block and I know she's gonna love it. #meditation
#meditation #Education #Waldorf
In #Waldorf #education, the teacher meditates on each child in her class, each night. Even if the teacher spends only 2 mins per child, assuming she has 15 kids, that's 30 mins each day, every day. Glad I've only got one.
Last night, I meditated on my daughter and the maths block coming up soon. And I was hit by an idea that got me out of bed. 2 hours later, I've completely rewritten the maths block and I know she's gonna love it. #meditation
#meditation #Education #Waldorf
I know my storytelling is exactly on point when my daughter crawls under her writing table as we get to the exciting bit.
#waldorf #steiner #education #storytelling #fairytales
#Fairytales #storytelling #Education #steiner #Waldorf
I know my storytelling is exactly on point when my daughter crawls under her writing table as we get to the exciting bit.
#waldorf #steiner #education #storytelling #fairytales
#Fairytales #storytelling #Education #steiner #Waldorf
I never considered myself good at drawing or painting. There's a lot of it in #Waldorf #education. I struggled with figures at first but it was more psychological than poor ability. Once I got my first few figures done pretty well I realised I didn't suck at drawing after all. And I realised how much muck we have in our heads that really just holds us back from achieving more.
At first I could not pinpoint my #Waldorf #temperament. There are 4 - choleric (fire), sanguine (air), phlegmatic (water) and melancholic (earth). Everyone has a bit of each but usually there will be a dominant one.
So one day my daughter accidentally made her friend fall. She cried. Buckets. She could not forget The Incident for days and days. Cried every time she thought about it.
I totally saw myself in all of this. So that makes me #melancholic.
#melancholic #temperament #Waldorf
This was not strictly necessary as part of our #Waldorf #homeschooling. But I couldn't find what I wanted from the shops, so we made our own #knitting needles from a perfectly sized branch off our neem tree. This has really rekindled my love of handwork. It feels extra special!
#knitting #homeschooling #Waldorf
Magic happens when you let the child develop at their own pace.
No frustration. No pushing.
Last night, my little girl looked at some words and realised with delight she could read them. I wasn't actively teaching reading. We were just looking at pictures in the current storybook we were reading together at bedtime.
#homeschooling #Education #steiner #Waldorf
We're at the park. My daughter is on the swing. Suddenly she's not on the swing anymore. I look around.
She's trying to climb a tree.
How do I describe how happy I am?
#outsidetime #Education #steiner #Waldorf #childdevelopment
With this #Waldorf #homeschooling #curriculum we're using, every story is preceded by a picture which I painstakingly copy (I'm no artist but I'm gonna be decent in a couple of months with all this practice).
My daughter is amazed at my drawing skills (hehe).
After lunch, she comes running into the kitchen holding some of my works-in-progress.
"You aren't supposed to see those yet," I say.
"I'm just so excited for lessons, mama," she replies.
That's really all the motivation I need.
#curriculum #homeschooling #Waldorf
Here's one reason I love #homeschooling. At this stage of development, #waldorf #education uses Grimm's stories. My daughter gets so into the story, it's pretty funny for me to watch.
Today as I'm getting to the conflict stage of the story, she's pressing her hands to her ears (presumably to block my voice out, haha) and telling me to "Skip ahead, mama! Skip ahead!"
Towards the end, she's under the table, looking at me with big eyes filled with anticipation and dread.
#Education #Waldorf #homeschooling
Ok so #homeschooling is a totally different beast from #classroomteaching and I've learnt that I need to create my own signal for the end of lessons cos there's no school bell.
It was funny how I ended a lesson (clumsily) and my daughter asked me "so what's next?"
It's cool. I like this. It feels like the days ahead are filled with endless possibilities. #waldorf #education
#Education #Waldorf #classroomteaching #homeschooling
We're supposed to tell the same story over and over in #waldorf #education. But my girl soaks up stories like a sponge and doesn't want to hear the retelling of one she's already heard.
Why are you telling me the same story? she asks.
Cos..... You can't remember it well, is my tentative answer (I know very well she can)
I can remember it well! she insists.
(Proceeds to tell me the gist of the story.)
I quiz her on the details. She knows them.
I need to ask my mentor about this.
This is crazy. We've started the (home)schooling year proper and as I'm prepping my props for lessons, I feel like a newbie teacher all over again. #newschoolyear #jitters #homeschooling #waldorf #classone
#classone #Waldorf #homeschooling #jitters #newschoolyear
Reading The Kingdom of Childhood by Rudolf Steiner. So much to take in. Glad I'm reading for fun and someone else has written an entire curriculum that infuses all of the principles for me. #waldorf #education
Even 45 mins at the park playground is better than none. It's threatening to rain but we won't go till we have to. Plus I use this time to do stuff on my phone. Like research. And stuff. #outsidetime #wholechild #development #waldorf #steiner #education
#Education #steiner #Waldorf #Development #wholechild #outsidetime
Outside time is paramount in Waldorf education. We've not had enough of it recently with - first, the rainy weather, and then, being under the weather.
Anyway, we're at the park today and my little girl has just made a friend - hooray! But I have this overwhelming need to pee - boo! So as much as I'm enjoying being outside in this lovely breeze, we have to go soon. #outsidetime #waldorf #education
#Education #Waldorf #outsidetime
Can’t stop lusting after this #Waldorf. I’m wary, though. I’ve heard lots of reports over the last five to eight years about poor Waldorf quality control. It’s not a cheap synth. I’d like to be sure it’s not going to conk out in a few years, or a few months. #synthesizers
Tipp von einem #Waldorf-Telegram-Kanal. Dieser Struggle, einerseits ahrimanische Technik zu verdammen und andererseits die Chancen von Instagram, Telegram und generell diesem Internet nicht ungenutzt verstreichen zu lassen.