Watching the Criterion Collection Ultra HD 4K restoration of WALL-E and holy fuck this film has NEVER looked this good. It does not look like CGI at all.
#Texhnolyze #ErgoProxy #Hellsing #XxxHolic #FullMetalAlchemist #Beastars #HPLovecraft #Portal #MyLittlePony #TerryPratchett #TheDiscworld #Netflix #Disenchantment #FinalSpace #DisneyPlus #Bluey #TurningRed #Encanto #Coco #Ferdinand #Luca #Moana #Zootopia #InsideOut #Brave #WallE #BigHero6 #Onward #CloudBabies #Music #Moby #LostFrequencies #AlleFarben #DaftPunk #EmpireOfTheSun #AltJ #Royksopp #StudioKillers #GeorgeEzra #RobinSchulz #21Pilots #Avicii #MilkyChance #Coldplay #WhoMadeWho #HarryStyles
#texhnolyze #ergoproxy #hellsing #xxxholic #fullmetalalchemist #beastars #hplovecraft #portal #mylittlepony #terrypratchett #thediscworld #netflix #disenchantment #finalspace #disneyplus #bluey #TurningRed #Encanto #coco #ferdinand #luca #moana #zootopia #InsideOut #brave #WallE #bighero6 #onward #cloudbabies #music #moby #LostFrequencies #allefarben #daftpunk #empireofthesun #altJ #royksopp #studiokillers #GeorgeEzra #robinschulz #21pilots #avicii #milkychance #coldplay #whomadewho #harrystyles
I had an absolute blast at #DutchComicCon today! #HDCC #shehulk #WallE #jacksparrow #starlord
#starlord #jacksparrow #WallE #shehulk #hdcc #dutchcomiccon
Spacewalk has been rescheduled from Nov 30 to 2 Dec due to debris threat, astronauts don’t have micrometeorite shields.
The spacewalk will be the first since the Russian military destroyed a retired electronic intelligence satellite two weeks ago that created a cloud of debris along the spysat's orbital track.
#spacewalk #delay #debris #rescheduled #notGreat #notTerribleEither #protection #wallE
#WallE #protection #notTerribleEither #NotGreat #Rescheduled #debris #delay #spacewalk
LKW #Atomtransport am 08.09.2021 um 19:30 Uhr in #Walle (bei #Bremen) gesichtet. Uns wurde zugetragen das die radioaktive Fracht in einem blauen und einem weißem Container waren. Wer mehr dazu weiß gerne melden.
The introductory video is good. The #WallE reference was rather poigniant. Yes, it highlighted what could go wrong while also elevating #DisasterCapitalism into it.
The reference to a bloated #corporateState and its #neoBureaucracy is so necessary, along with a growing sense of #nihalism. #SocialMedia bombardment of information does this to a large extent, and they, being large corporations themselves who benefit from this system have tended to suppress movements, that might…1/2
#WallE #disastercapitalism #corporateState #neoBureaucracy #nihalism #socialmedia