Highly recommend this new book by my old college pal (and current WSJ Natl Security Reporter) Brett. Gripping nonfiction page-turner.
#WallStreetJournal #lostson #brettforest
#Alito penned his defensive op-ed in the rt wing #WallStreetJournal claiming 'misleads its readers'...EVEN BEFORE #ProPublica published its report on him. Says it all.
Except don't forget this acronym: DARVO
Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim & Offender
'The reaction tht perpetrators of wrongdoing display in response to being held accountable fr their behavior, a common manipulation strategy of psychological abusers.' #gaslighting #DARVO #SCOTUS #Corruption #ExposetheTruth
#exposethetruth #Corruption #SCOTUS #darvo #gaslighting #propublica #WallStreetJournal #alito
#WallStreetJournal Where do I sign up to travel space available, for free, on billionaires' private jets like Justice Alito?
#SCOTUS #SamuelAlito #PaulSinger
#paulsinger #SamuelAlito #SCOTUS #WallStreetJournal
Never let anyone, especially employees, forget that an avowed liar owns the #WallStreetJournal.
You can't work for a crook and expect to get respect!
One wonders what a Supreme Court Justice would have to do to merit opprobrium from the Wall Street Journal.
#WallStreetJournal #ClarenceThomas #HarlanCrow
The Smearing of Clarence Thomas https://www.wsj.com/articles/clarence-thomas-supreme-court-propublica-harlan-crow-1c4c2f41
#harlancrow #clarencethomas #WallStreetJournal
#Russia, arrestato per "spionaggio" un corrispondente del #WallStreetJournal @WallstreetJNews #EvanGershkovich #spionaggio #StatiUniti
#russia #WallStreetJournal #evangershkovich #spionaggio #statiuniti
Ein #Journalist des #WallStreetJournal wurde in #Russland festgenommen. Ihm wird Spionage vorgeworfen: https://derchotv.de/2023/03/30/us-journalist-in-russland-wegen-spionage-festgenommen-worden/
#journalist #WallStreetJournal #russland
✍️ "Diary of a Propagandist" | March 13, 2023.
"If you knew how it was made, you probably wouldn't consume it!" — Me, just now.
#propaganda #followthemoney #WallStreetJournal #RupertMurdoch #NewYorkTimes #InWhoseInterest #WhosIdeaWasThis #Editorial #AskTheRightQuestions #China #CCP #GOPOverlords #TikTok
#TikTok #gopoverlords #ccp #China #asktherightquestions #editorial #whosideawasthis #inwhoseinterest #newyorktimes #rupertmurdoch #WallStreetJournal #followthemoney #Propaganda
@nedhamson An example of why I have blocked the #WallStreetJournal in my news feed. Their editorial prejudice infects the news that they deem fit to print, sadly eliminating for me even the good journalism they produce because of this contamination
Ich habe mir gerade online einen Zugang zum Verbund der Öffentlichen Bibliotheken Berlins (#VÖBB) geholt, mir die #PressReader-App auf dem Tablet installiert und kann jetzt bei Berliner Regenwetter gemütlich auf der Couch den #TagesSpiegel lesen. Außerdem die #WahingtonPost und das #WallStreetJournal. Und den #Guardian. #LeFigaro ebenfalls. Und und und. Ich bin begeistert!
#vobb #pressreader #tagesspiegel #wahingtonpost #WallStreetJournal #guardian #lefigaro
and flushed $44 billion down the toilet...
carry that water #wallstreetjournal #wsj
Can someone please find out who was responsible at WSJ for writing that headline with “Are There Too Many Asians?” People have to be held accountable for these stupid stunts.
#wsj #WallStreetJournal #aretheretoomanyasians
Way to go, #WallStreetJournal
In the same week as Asian Americans were targeted in a deadly mass-shooting. Just galling🤦🏻♂️
#Egregissimo #Direttorre de @laverita, ma il vostro #onorevole giornale una cosa così diretta non l'ha mai detta...
Qui parliamo del #WSJ, del signor #WallStreetJournal, il giornale di quelli che i #soldi li muovono...
Legga... legga...
#Egregissimo #Direttorre #onorevole #wsj #WallStreetJournal #soldi #QuidEstVeritas
Un interessante articolo del #WallStreetJournal che parla di #varianti #covid.
In particolare cita alcuni studi di #Nature sull'evoluzione delle sottovarianti #Omicron e propone una chiave di lettura differente sui cicli vaccinali.
P.S. : Prima che i vari "PSEUDO debunker" si scaglino come delle frecce impazzite, vorrei ricordare che "ambasciator non porta pena"
Pace e bene.
#WallStreetJournal #varianti #covid #nature #Omicron
Crypto giant Binance offers little transparency after FTX collapse.
Olha que legal! #WallStreetJournal #crypto
Sembla que el #WallStreetJournal està fent tot el possible per traslladar-se a #Mastodon, amb aquest petit tutorial disponible sense pagament.
#twittermigration #Mastodon #WallStreetJournal
Tesla Investors Voice Concern Over Elon Musk’s Focus on Twitter. #finance #WallStreetJournal https://www.wsj.com/articles/tesla-investors-voice-concern-over-elon-musks-focus-on-twitter-11670948786?mod=e2tw
Wall Street Journal Op-ed by Barton Swaim "Why the 'Smart Party' Never Learns"
Jen Psaki : "If you're writing with a $200 pen on, like a long-form at Wall Street Journal Op-ed, you may be a little disconnected from where the country is." #psakibomb #morningjoe #bartonswaim #jenpsaki #rightwing #bubble #Wallstreetjournal
#WallStreetJournal #bubble #rightwing #JenPsaki #bartonswaim #morningjoe #PsakiBomb
You can see the full interview here, or start the question at hand at 16:25.
#Disney #BobChapek #WallStreetJournal #AdultAnimation #AnimationIsForEveryone
#disney #bobchapek #WallStreetJournal #adultanimation #AnimationIsForEveryone