»#Alphabet’s #Wing partners with #Walmart for drone deliveries in Dallas: Wing says it can deliver to nearby homes in ‘under 30 minutes.’« https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/24/23844975/alphabet-wing-walmart-drone-deliveries-dallas?eicker.news #tech #media
#Alphabet #wing #Walmart #tech #media
#Walmart prüft Vorwürfe zur Lieferkette
@ashedryden Let's include #Walmart stockers on this, too. Husband has a lifetime back injury from doing minimum wage warehouse work for Walmart.
$ - always. Why would Walmart close self-serve checkouts?
They automatons were supposed to raise profits by eliminating labour $. Did consumers out-fox the machines - or? #Canadians #greedflation #Selfcheckouts #Walmart #AI
#canadians #greedflation #selfcheckouts #Walmart #ai
#Walmart erhöht Prognose für Gesamtjahr
Finanzchef Rainey ist bei #Walmart der Top-#Verdiener
Walmart's CEO says that automation at their stores won't displace workers but rather "helps" employees. Yeah, because I'm sure every associate wants to compete with a robot for their job. 😹🤖 #Walmart #Automation #Robots #Jobs #CatMischief
#Walmart #automation #robots #jobs #catmischief
Mainstays Three-Wick Candles Burn Too Hot:
These multiple wick candles burn very hot and too close to the jar causing the glass to fracture thus creating laceration, fire, and burn hazards.#mainstays #walmart #candles #laceration #fire #burns #recall
#mainstays #Walmart #candles #laceration #fire #burns #recall
New Book Series Celebrates Why Children of Color Are Magic | https://www.theroot.com/new-book-series-celebrates-why-children-of-color-are-ma-1850083945 #randomhousechildrene28099sbooks #entertainment2cculture #randomhousechildren #mythologicalhorses #legendarycreatures #randomhousesenior #elementsoffiction #sherrishepherd #humaninterest #sarasargent #traditions #aliciakeys #gayleking #walmart #unicorn #brown
#randomhousechildrene28099sbooks #entertainment2cculture #randomhousechildren #mythologicalhorses #legendarycreatures #randomhousesenior #elementsoffiction #sherrishepherd #humaninterest #sarasargent #traditions #aliciakeys #gayleking #Walmart #unicorn #Brown
no #walmart shift to day. slept in till 9 with my darling child, Finger. the only living thing aside from the rats in the walls who hasn’t been wrenched away by the custody people. my only trip out was to score 12,000 calories of popeyes chicken and an ambien refill.
this is #DivorcedLife .
Walmart Destroys Another Local Business
https://www.theonion.com/walmart-destroys-another-local-business-1850059535 #criticismofwalmart #business2cfinance #discountstores #dougmcmillon #retailers #retailing #walmart
#criticismofwalmart #business2cfinance #discountstores #dougmcmillon #retailers #retailing #Walmart
#Metaverse »#Walmart, #Gucci And #Coke Are Getting #Meta, And The #Sales Are Real!« https://www.forbes.com/sites/jennmcmillen/2023/01/16/walmart-gucci-and-coke-are-getting-meta-and-the-sales-are-real/?sh=189627ebafc9
#Metaverse #Walmart #Gucci #coke #Meta #Sales
Next to the disabled parking they now provide thug parking. Nice work #walmart
People who watch true crime dramas in the Walmart bathroom are a special breed. #walmart #documentary #peoplewatching
#Walmart #documentary #peoplewatching
Revisiting the "war on Christmas"
So I've been looking over past posts, particularly those addressing what has come to be known as the "war on Christmas". These include the following:
Starbucks shuts down criticism of its holiday cup design
A simple red coffee cup...
#american-family-association #boycott #christmas #gap-inc #hanukkah #holiday-tree #inclusion #saturnalia #starbucks #target #walmart #war-on-christmas #yule
#american #boycott #christmas #gap #hanukkah #Holiday #inclusion #saturnalia #starbucks #target #Walmart #War #yule
like a real fact for reference
#walmart radio has some weird censorship in the songs they play
like they play high hopes CONSTANTLY but censor out the word "killing" every time he says it
he doesn't even say it in the context of killing people he says it as in "make a killing" rolling in dough yknow?
my personal theory is that theyre worried the customers will enter a murderous frenzy whenever they hear the word kill in any context
source: ex-walmart employee
More than two years before a #Walmart supervisor shot and killed six workers, executives investigated employee workplace #complaints against him, according to former and current employees.