“Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you.”
― Walt Whitman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walt_Whitman
#bot #quote #FamousQuotes #WaltWhitman
"I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world"
#Caturday #WaltWhitman #deadpoetssociety
#Caturday #WaltWhitman #deadpoetssociety
“I have learned that to be with those I like is enough.”
― Walt Whitman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walt_Whitman
#bot #quote #friendship #WaltWhitman
I recently discovered Vaughan Williams' choral plea for peace, "Dona Nobis Pacem" with poetry by Walt Whitman. Considering the state of this world and the many active wars and frozen conflicts, it's a most timely piece.
Try to listen to it and turn it up for the brass parts!
#choir #peace #war #ChoralMusic #WaltWhitman #RalphVaughanWilliams
#choir #peace #war #choralmusic #WaltWhitman #ralphvaughanwilliams
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Eric Whitacre, Walt Whitman, VOCES8 & Eric Whitacre:
🎵 All Seems Beautiful to Me
#nowplaying #breakfast #EricWhitacre #WaltWhitman #VOCES8
That time Jean Genet got into bed with Allen Ginsberg, as told by Edmund White. Also includes Ginsberg's account of his Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon connection to actually fucking Walt Whitman. From "Arts and Letters," a very cool collection of Edmund White's thoughts on and recollections of various artists, writers and philosophers.
#queer #lgbtq #poetry #writing #AllenGinsberg #JeanGenet #WaltWhitman #EdmundWhite #literature #gay #KevinBacon #QueerHistory
#queer #lgbtq #poetry #writing #allenginsberg #jeangenet #WaltWhitman #edmundwhite #literature #gay #kevinbacon #queerhistory
If you ever run across this book in a used bookstore, snag it for your poetry-loving friend. One of the few books that displays Walt Whitman’s long lines as they should be. #poetry #WaltWhitman
"And I will thread a thread through my poems that time and events are compact,
And that all the things of the universe are perfect miracles, each as profound as any."
#WaltWhitman #Poetry #americanliterature
#WaltWhitman #poetry #americanliterature
I’ve made so many friends for life over in #twitter but freedom and #newbeginnings is what I’m all about these days. The future is bright… positivity, a clean slate and moving on from bad memories.
‘’Keep your face always towards the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you’’ #waltwhitman
#twitter #newbeginnings #WaltWhitman
I knew Scott when we were in grad school together. In addition to his research on lake chemistry, Scott was taking deep dives into aquatic insects, Russian literature, poetry, UofM Men’s club volleyball team, and probably many more things I knew little about. We were scheming to do some nature ambling right around his untimely death. “When an elder dies, a library burns to the ground.” With Scott, that was a big library.
Red Dragonfly Press was, so far as I know, entirely run by Scott King. He published numerous nature poets in the region. After his death, it appears a Board has developed and is keeping some of Scott’s vision alive.
Within the past year, Red Dragonfly Press has published:
Invisible World—Fifty Tiny Poems by Walt Whitman, gathered by Thom Tammaro and Sheila Coghill; and
Poetry on the Side of Nature—Writing the Nature Poem as an Act of Survival, an essay with poems by Thomas R Smith.
I don’t think the Red Dragonfly web site is handling orders any more, but both titles are available at a large online retailer.