#Vote for me. I'll use my office to take another American's money and give it to you
#Children with no father in the home are five times more likely to be poor and commit crime, nine times more likely to drop out of school and 20 times more likely to be in prison
The moral tragedy that has befallen Americans is our belief that it is okay for #government to forcibly use one American to serve the purposes of another - that in my book is a working definition of slavery
One of the primary dangers of #majority rule is that it confers an aura of legitimacy and respectability on acts that would otherwise be deemed tyrannical. Liberty and democracy are not synonymous and could actually be opposites
#Liberals and progressives find difficult to accept fact that equality among humans is exception and inequality the norm
After all, if an employer must pay the same wage no matter whom he hires, the cost of #discriminating in favor of the people he prefers is cheaper. This is a general principle
#discriminating #WalterEWilliams
If we're ignorant, we won't even know when #government infringes on our liberties. Moreover, we'll happily cast our votes for those who'd destroy our liberties
No matter how worthy the cause, it is robbery, theft, and #injustice to confiscate the property of one person and give it to another to whom it does not belong
If today's weak #family structure is a legacy of slavery, then the people who make such a claim must tell us how it has managed to skip nearly five generations to have an effect
Much of that spiritual #poverty is a result of public and private policy that rewards inferiority and irresponsibility
In fact, one of the primary dangers of #majority rule is that it confers an aura of legitimacy and respectability to acts that would otherwise be deemed tyrannical
Sloppy #language permits people to get away with speaking and doing all manner of destructive nonsense without being challenged
Primary danger of majority rule is it confers aura of legitimacy & respectability to acts otherwise deemed tyrannical
The Founders knew that a #democracy would lead to some kind of tyranny. The term democracy appears in none of our Founding documents. Their vision for us was a Republic and limited government
Most of the great problems we face are caused by #politicians creating solutions to problems they created in the first place
The poverty rate among black husband-and-wife families has been in the single digits for more than two decades. Can anyone produce evidence that racists discriminate against black female-headed families but not black husband-and-wife families?
Chief among the policies that reward inferiority and irresponsibility is the welfare state
The poverty rate among black husband-and-wife families has been in the single digits for more than two decades