🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #PreachinTheBlues
Walter Miller:
🎵 Standing On The Highway
#nowplaying #PreachinTheBlues #WalterMiller
This is hard!
#7Books to get to know me (fiction only):
- The Medusa Frequency (#RussellHoban)
- A Canticle for Leibowitz (#WalterMiller)
- Through Black Spruce (#JosephBoyden)
- The Good Soldier (#FordMadoxFord)
- The Painted Drum (#LouiseErdrich)
- The Overstory (#RichardPowers)
- The Devils (#Dostoyevesky)
Honourable mention to #AliSmith
#7books #RussellHoban #WalterMiller #josephboyden #fordmadoxford #LouiseErdrich #richardpowers #dostoyevesky #alismith
@albinokid #MichaelMoorcock - The Elric Saga
#RogerZelazny - The Amber Chronicles
#WalterMiller - A Canticle for Leibowitz
#MichaelMoorcock #RogerZelazny #WalterMiller