@squarepeig as an overdrive pedal, I find the #Wampler Tumnus Mini to be at the very top-end of smooth-sounding #Klon #klone pedals, along with the #JRAD #ArcherIkon.
I prefer the #TumnusDeluxe over the #TumnusMini because of the extra EQ controls.
Being able to turn down the bass helps with non-Teles.
The mids control turns the #TumnusDeluxe into a useful tool for fixing tone problems at times too.
#Wampler #Klon #klone #jrad #ArcherIkon #TumnusDeluxe #TumnusMini
@squarepeig the #Wampler Tumnus Mini is an interesting #klon #klone.
It's a very good choice for anyone who lives on the bridge pickup of a #Telecaster in particular, because of the extra bass it produces.
I find that extra bass a bit problematic for the mighty #LesPaul, especially because I play rhythm in the middle position there.
#Wampler #Klon #klone #telecaster #lespaul