Daniel Abed Khalife charges live: Escaped terror suspect who fled Wandsworth Prison arrested in Chiswick after 75-hour hunt | The Independent
#khalife #Wandsworth #Chiswick #fugitive #met #police
Daniel Khalife: Anarchy revealed inside prison-break Wandsworth jail where inmates call the shots | The Independent
#Wandsworth #staffshortage #khalife #violence
3 Jan 1628: d. Henry 'Dog' Smith benefactor to poor people #otd in #Wandsworth #London
His charity survives to this day:
BERLINO (AP) – Il grande tennista Boris Becker ha raccontato in lacrime il momento in cui la porta della sua cella a occupazione singola nella famigerata prigione britannica di Wandsworth si è chiusa per la prima volta, parlando pubblicamente dopo aver scontato otto mesi per reati di bancarotta.<br/...
#21Dicembre #wandsworth #inmates
#inmates #Wandsworth #21dicembre
#Wandsworth's Tories now oppose the scheme - the same scheme they started two years ago, the same design parameters they specified to the highways engineers when they were running the council!
It's cheap politics - Wandsworth's Tories are dunking on the project without proposing any improvements to the designs.
We have seen the same behaviour from Wandsworth's Tories recently on other projects, e.g. safely improvements to cycleway #CS7
2/2 2/2 But, guess what!
#Wandsworth's Tories now oppose the scheme - the same scheme they started two years ago, the same design parameters they specified to the highways engineers when they were running the council!
It's cheap politics - Wandsworth's Tories are dunking on the project without proposing any improvements to the designs.
We have seen the same behaviour from Wandsworth's Tories recently on other projects, e.g. safely improvements to cycleway #CS7
1/2 In south London, #Wandsworth Council (#WBC) - now run by Labour - is running a consultation on improving a key active travel corridor by Wands Common - #Burntwood Lane.
Consultation closes 15 Jan'23
Two design options for new cycle tracks along the lane (1) bi-directional track, (2) two with flow tracks.
The project was started in Sept'20 by the then Conservative-led council
#Elections2022: 'They said we'd never take #Wandsworth'
#Labour has won three major London councils from the Conservatives during the May 2022 local elections. The party took control of Westminster for the first ti...
Now, we've got to get rid of the Blairites & centrists
#london #elections2022 #Wandsworth #labour
Shocking internal polling for the #Tories showing they’re going to lose #Wandsworth as well as quite probably #Westminster in #LocalElections22. A lot of people planning to vote in these elections who’ve never voted before, just as it was with the EU referendum. What goes around…
#LocalElections22 #Westminster #Wandsworth #tories