City of Mist in Denver prelude to Awakening (table A)
City of Mist in Denver prelude to Awakening (table B)
Kingmaker in 5E
Neverland in 5E
Dragonlance (custom adventure) in 5E
Ptolus in 5E
Le Tribunal (custom low fantasy setting) in 5E
Eye of the Stone Thief, 13th Age
various D&D, Nephilim, Ambre, MERP
Dogs in the Vineyard, Mutant Year Zero, Forbidden Lands
Apocalypse World
#CurrentlyRunning #CurrentlyPlaying #MostPlayed #WantToTry #WantToReturnTo #ttrpg
- Students of the Royal Academy of Magic in that 34 years long running heroic fantasy metacampaign
- Introduction to adventuring, with my kids, same metacampaign
- Stories of Asragor, my eldest's creation
- City of Mist, Denver 2012, prelude to Shadowrun
- Delta Green Impossible Lanscape (starts this Wednesday)
- Students of the Bardic Workshop, same campaign
- Running DragonBane
- Masks a New Generation
#CurrentlyRunning #CurrentlyPlaying #WantToTry #WantToReturnTo #ttrpg