RT @pisaniferry
A piece of good news: it never happened before
#WarEcology (actually exists)
RT @adam_tooze
Been a lot of chatter since last year about Europe's "return to coal", "falling back in love with fossil fuels". This commentary claims to speak for realism against green ideology and yet it is itself at odds with the facts. New piece for @ForeignPolicy
RT @libe
💬 @fbirol, directeur de l’@IEA : «La Russie a perdu la bataille de l’énergie : les revenus des exportations de pétrole et de gaz de la Russie ont diminué de 40 % sur un an, depuis le début de l’invasion» 👇 https://www.liberation.fr/international/fatih-birol-directeur-de-laie-la-russie-a-perdu-la-bataille-de-lenergie-20230303_EBMHVICN5VHXROORJUIBQVS5DE/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter&xtor=CS7-51-#Echobox=16779319…
RT @70sBachchan
7/ “The Economist has looked at a range of factors, including fossil-fuel consumption, energy efficiency and renewables deployment. the crunch caused by the war in Ukraine may, in fact, have fast-tracked the transition by an astonishing five to ten years”
When I look 1 year later at backlash against climate activism, radicalisation of military & political rhetoric on more tanks for Ukraine, #luetzenrath & U-turns of green parties in Germany and Belgium on #nuclear & coal, I wonder whether @picharbonnier@twitter.com's #WarEcology is dead? 2/2
#luetzenrath #nuclear #WarEcology
In spring 2022, @picharbonnier@twitter.com launched the idea that #PutinsWar would lead to a new paradigm in geopolitical history: #WarEcology ('Ă©cologie de guerre'), with #energysufficiency being the new weapon
#PutinsWar #WarEcology #EnergySufficiency
Le directeur de l'AIE s'exprime en faveur de #WarEcology, mais encore une fois rien n'est dit des garanties offertes aux travailleurs dans ce grand récit de réindustrialisation.
RT @Hertie_Sustain
Tonight! Looking forward to hearing from @henryfarrell @ANewman_forward on 🇪🇺 in the era of weaponised interdependence, in conversation with @Cornelia_Woll @ChFlachsland. Will we see you there?