Finally making a start on my AoD box set, now GW sent me my missing sprue. Feeling like they’ll have redone the *entire* line in plastic by the time I’ve built everything 😅 #WarhamFam #WarhammerCommmunity
#WarhammerCommmunity #WarHamFam
The Special Rules in the Age of Darkness rule book *appear* to be listed in alphabetical order, at first glance.
But they're not.
Just one of the fun things you notice when compiling an index/reference sheet 😂
#WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity
Working on something, because life's too short to be wading through multiple 300+ page, large-format, hardback rulebooks… #WarhammerCommunity #warhamfam #HorusHeresy
#HorusHeresy #WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity
Cheeky wee Quad Gun, to add to the growing 30K “models assembled” pile. Got 2 more of these to build, but Christ-on-a-bike do I hate building resin miniatures these days… #WarhammerCommmunity #Warhamfam
#WarHamFam #WarhammerCommmunity
Looking through the Dark Angels rules in the HH books, and I'm being inexplicably drawn towards the Fire Wing… #WarhammerCommunity #horusheresy #WarhamFam
#WarHamFam #HorusHeresy #WarhammerCommunity
There's a dreadnought sprue missing from my HH boxset 😣 Do I wait a while to let GW CS get back to me, in case I need to send things back, or do I risk it and start building the infantry? #warhammercommunity #warhamfam
#WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity
Anyone got a comparison of the new, plastic MK VI vs the older FW resin kit? I just found 20 of the latter in a box, and I’m curious if they’re going to look noticeably out of place if I paint them up alongside my HH:AoD set #WarhammerCommunity #WarhamFam
#WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity
Y’know, I reckon Fafnir Rann could make a pretty decent-looking First Legion Praetor… 🤔
#WarhammerCommunity #NewEditionNewLegion #warhamfam
#WarHamFam #NewEditionNewLegion #WarhammerCommunity
Slightly taken aback by the example print Amazon chose to illustrate their own-brand 3D printer resin with. It seems somewhat familiar… 😅 #WarhamFam
Had an idea for a Blood Angels successor chapter, based off a HH colour plate, and now it's all my hobby brain will think about, so I guess I'm switching projects again?!? #WarhammerCommunity #WarhamFam
#WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity
So, at the end of my first week (and a day) of having a 3D printer, I’ve printed off this little narrative army, based on the WHFB Bretonnian book: some commoner regiments, a hero, and a wizard, which comes to ~450 5th edition points. #WarhamFam
⚜️First printed unit assembled, along with a hero option. Shields are separated for painting, and I need to reprint the sergeants sword arm as I forgot to mirror it, but overall chuffed with this first attempt! #Warhamfam
The test prints weren’t perfect, but I think I know what went wrong, so let’s be bold and dive right into my first “proper” print… #warhamfam
After many years, my YouTube account *finally* has a public video 😂
(holy heck is editing on a phone a bit crap) #warhamfam
Anyone got any good STLs for alternative unhelmed Stormcast heads? Particularly looking for a set of diverse male heads with a variety of hair style options. Ideally looking for at least 20 unique options, but the more the better! #Warhamfam
Woohoo! Managed to get in ahead of the bots and scalpers! #Warhamfam #WarhammerCommunity
#WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam
I’m basically retired from playing at this point, so this isn’t a power-gamer thing - promise!
[ #warhamfam #WarhammerCommunity #aos #AgeOfSigmar #warhammer #stormcasteternals #herebedragons ]
#herebedragons #StormcastEternals #warhammer #ageofsigmar #aos #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam
My biggest fear, if the Twitter #WarHamFam / #WarhammerCommunity people disperse to other platforms, is that most of them lock themselves away by moving to Instagram
#WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam