I forgot to mention, his name is Fluffy.
Some shots of the howdah, including a couple WIP ones. Basic shape was done in styrene, than I built up the walls and floors over the styrene, before adding the tree, blending it in and adding textures and details.
#Nurgle #WarMammoth #AoS #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #SlavesToDarkness
#Nurgle #WarMammoth #aos #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #slavestodarkness
So, following on let's show one of the models above in more detail.
Nurgle War Mammoth, FW body but scratch built howdah and converted crew from Wurmspat, Nurgle BB team, Blightlord, Blightkings and Ungors (possibly more, can't remember).
#Nurgle #WarMammoth #AoS #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #SlaveToDarkness
#Nurgle #WarMammoth #aos #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #SlaveToDarkness