That's me sorted for the next ninety minutes!
#vinylrecords #vinyl #WarOfTheWorlds
SciFi movies released in 2005…pick your favorite.
#StarWarsRevengeOfTheSith #StarWars #StarWarsEpisodeIII
#moviestar #Cinemastodon #Cinema #Filmastodon #SciFiMovies #SciFi
#WarOfTheWorlds #serenity #starwarsrevengeofthesith #StarWars #starwarsepisodeiii #thehitchhikersguidetothegalaxy #moviestar #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #scifimovies #SciFi
Oooh just got the show’s name 😅 How clever.
But anyway just because there are infinite alternate universes doesn’t make it any better that they’re murdering other humans like they’re expendable. And it’s not a war if one side is just invading and killing everyone. That’s genocide. But I guess Genocide of a World isn’t quite as catchy. #WarOfTheWorlds
I’m watching War of the Worlds (the tv show) and..
I don’t like Emily. I don’t care much about her mother or father. Her brother is ok.
Sasha is a little sh*t. His mother is ok.
I thought Ash was overly suspicious of Emily.. but dude had a point and apparently great instincts. He’s ok.
I like Bill. He’s trying to save whatever’s left of humankind, ffs leave the man alone.
Much to the dismay of the British, the French are the normal ones*. Vive la France. 😆 #WarOfTheWorlds
Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of the War of the Worlds is a goddamned miracle. It's a retelling of the primordial alien invasion story, but in a 70's musical format with PEW PEW sound effects, disco beats, dated synthesizers... And yet it just works, brilliantly so, and comes across so earnestly excited and genuine in its aesthetics. Is it cheesy? Arguably so, but it's a shining example of how "cheesy" doesn't have to mean "bad". #waroftheworlds #musical #disco #hgwells
#WarOfTheWorlds #musical #disco #hgwells
This is the 1st of 9 #TomCruise movie polls.
#tomcruise #WarOfTheWorlds #edgeoftomorrow #oblivion #Valkyrie #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon
#JeffWayne, #RichardBurton, #JustinHayward - '#ForeverAutumn' (1978) from the album #WarOfTheWorlds
#Music #Song #WOTW #JeffWaynesMusicalVersionOfTheWarOfTheWorlds #JeffWaynesWarOfTheWorlds #JeffWayne #Rock #RockMusic #Mars #Martians #Tripod #Tripods
#tripods #tripod #martians #mars #rockmusic #rock #jeffwayneswaroftheworlds #jeffwaynesmusicalversionofthewaroftheworlds #wotw #song #music #WarOfTheWorlds #foreverautumn #justinhayward #richardburton #jeffwayne
And after the darkness of #WarOfTheWorlds - a bit of "Fags Mags and Bags" to cheer me up!
#bbc #bbcsounds
#WarOfTheWorlds #bbc #BBCSounds
Loving the 1967 #bbc #radio adaptation of #WarOfTheWorlds
Far better than the more recent versions I've listened to and the less said about the last #bbctv version the better
#bbc #radio #WarOfTheWorlds #bbctv
War of the Worlds Season 2 ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ #WarOfTheWorlds #trakt
@ellewalker just watched the remaining episodes of #WarOfTheWorlds and it’s worth persevering with it.
@Riley Sounds like a fun concept. You should lead with the pitch, because it's a #WarOfTheWorlds game, based on Blades in the Dark!
Some favourite #music #albums specifically in the #ProgRock #ProgMetal space:
#DreamTheater lots but especially #ScenesFromAMemory
#PinkFloyd #DarkSideOfTheMoon
#Yes #90125 (I like the early stuff too tho)
#SymphonyX #LiveOnTheEdgeOfForever (cheating with a live album?)
#ShadowGallery #RoomV
#Marillion #MisplacedChildhood
#JeffWayne #WarOfTheWorlds
#music #albums #progrock #progmetal #dreamtheater #ScenesFromAMemory #PinkFloyd #darksideofthemoon #yes #SymphonyX #LiveOnTheEdgeOfForever #ShadowGallery #RoomV #marillion #MisplacedChildhood #jeffwayne #WarOfTheWorlds
[1978] Justin Hayward - Top of the Pops performance of 'Forever Autumn' from the album Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of the Worlds.
#OldBritishTelly #TopOfThePops #WarOfTheWorlds