Another fan, Emily Garcia Lopez, a master’s student in Germany, said the content makes her feel seen. Lopez, 28, said she was raised in a “fundie-lite,” nondenominational evangelical environment, which included attending anti-abortion protests at Planned Parenthood and disavowing jeans, anime and short haircuts for girls.
“Watching Jen and James pick apart aspects of fundamentalism in a lighthearted and respectful way is therapeutic for me during my faith deconstruction journey,” Lopez said. “Growing up in fundamentalism f—- with you — but Fundie Fridays is a safe place to talk about those experiences.”
The disinformation warriors are desperately attempting to defame Cassidy Hutchinson over Trump's assault on his Secret Service driver, but the most important aspect that they are deflecting from is that Michael Flynn's plan to help end democracy for Putin stood a much better chance if their puppet showed up at our Capitol while it was being stormed so they could portray him as the 'strong man' that "saved" Christianity.
The news about his attempt to coerce his security staff to take him to the Capitol had already been reported despite their attempts to call that young American lady a liar. #WarOnChristianity
I wouldn't have become such an evangelical atheist waging a #WarOnChristianity if it wasn't for the White Christian nationalist religious extremists here in USA.
We need to elect a big enough majority to impeach the religious extremists off our SCOTUS imho
Wow #Tucker really doubles down on the Christian persecution in his "concern" over this #WarOnChristianity : "So, if you're a sincere liberal, it would seem odd to hate Christians. But the totalitarians always do hate Christians. The Soviets killed the priests first, so did Mao. During the Spanish Civil War, the Communists subjected a statue of Jesus to a symbolic execution in front of a firing squad. It was one of the first things they did within weeks of the war breaking out. Here's the picture on your screen. Shooting Jesus. It tells you everything." #ShootingJesus
#tucker #WarOnChristianity #ShootingJesus
I should switch to server for posting this stuff I know, but it is just so damn climate related.
This is a masterpiece in media manipulation of the messaging to push political agenda. It really is. I haven't even read far enough in to see if #TuckerCarlson tied the SCOTUS leak to #ecoterrorists yet. They might, but you know besides Manchin and them creating faux outrage over gasoline prices the right is kind of distracted trying to recover from this leaked medieval opinion. #WarOnChristianity ?
#tuckercarlson #ecoterrorists #WarOnChristianity