Victor · @ElysianThus
87 followers · 301 posts · Server

My campaign also crystalized the contradiction in how I feel about . As a stand-alone product with its own races and campaign, I didn't enjoy it and wouldn't recommend it. But it's also a game that continues to support and improve all the previous content(The Wood Elves DLC was released in 2016 for Warhammer1!) And in that sense, it's a quixotic and unparalleled achievement and I love it.

#woodelves #totalwar #Warhammer3 #videogames #gaming

Last updated 1 year ago

Victor · @ElysianThus
86 followers · 299 posts · Server

I just finished a "Short Campaign" for the in and I think the faction's in a great place. They've got really fun units: archers that can 360-no-scope enemy infantry while outrunning them and giant ents which hide in trees until an enemy squad gets close enough to trample. But they have no heavy infantry and no artillery, so you have to mix up your tactics to account for that.


#woodelves #totalwar #Warhammer3 #videogames

Last updated 1 year ago

Mårten Björklund 🇸🇪 · @martenbjorklund
1019 followers · 1682 posts · Server

Something tells me the riding season will be here faster than I thought….

#motorcycleoffseason #TotalWar #Warhammer3

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul :verified: · @paul
14 followers · 50 posts · Server

So downloaded yesterday and put a couple of hours into it this morning.

The best thing about it is literally how responsive the UI is vs previous Total Wars games.

I don't mean that disparagingly at all, that's literally how major a change this is.

A change that many will overlook or won't notice, but I instantly noticed it. Thank you, Creative Assembly.

#TotalWar #Warhammer3

Last updated 2 years ago