Has anyone played Cubicle 7’s new version of the Enemy Within for Warhammer Fantasy RPG? If I have the original, is it worth getting? I’ve been curious, but don’t know if I should invest it.
The classic campaign is what taught me how to game master originally.
#TTRPG #WarhammerFantasyRpg #WarhammerFantasy4e #EnemyWithin
#ttrpg #warhammerfantasyrpg #WarhammerFantasy4e #enemywithin
Our group are taking a break from #VaesenRPG for a couple of weeks whilst one player is traveling Germany and another is recovering after donating a kidney (I know, right? I can't even imagine).
So I'm running a #MonsterOfTheWeek one shot instead, and we're looking at a future #WarhammerFantasy4e game.
I'm all prepped, and have been since Tuesday.
I'm at a bit of a loss.
I'm used to that last minute stress of not having written anything hanging over me up to the last minute.
#VaesenRPG #monsteroftheweek #WarhammerFantasy4e