Josh Alexander on Tucker Carlson
A couple of weeks ago, RAIR Foundation had the opportunity to speak with Josh and get a detailed explanation of what happened to him
#Dialectics #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Trans-scam #TuckerCarlson #WaronChristians
#WaronChristians #TuckerCarlson #Trans #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Dialectics
War on Christmas and repressive tolerance
Johnny U posted a worthy oped from the Washington Times in a much appreciated comment he left at Vlad this morning.
Thank you John, for that and for all your contributions to this site.
The OpEd is about the war on Christmas being in fact about a war on Am
#CulturalMarxism #Explainingleftism #WaronChristians #Waronfreedoms #Waronreason #WaronWesterncivilization
#WaronWesterncivilization #Waronreason #Waronfreedoms #WaronChristians #Explainingleftism #CulturalMarxism
Neil Oliver: The greatest story ever told
Neil starts off with the all too familiar complaint about cancelling Christmas across the West. But then he takes it somewhere wonderful.