Thinking about Canada’s Bill C11 and other fascist measures of thought control by Trudeau…
#Canada #Freedomofconscience #freedomofspeech #Freedoms #LeftistactionsinCanada #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada #Waronfreedoms
#Waronfreedoms #ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #LeftistactionsinCanada #Freedoms #freedomofspeech #Freedomofconscience #Canada
Tonight is the first ever Freedom Day Eve for Canada
Today is the first anniversary of the evening before the Freedom Convoy officially started in Ottawa, which was on January 29th
In fact, there was already many people in front of the Hill and around the area of Parliament even a few days in advance. But on the evening before the 29th,
#freedomofspeech #Freedoms #Truckerprotest #Waronfreedoms
#Waronfreedoms #Truckerprotest #Freedoms #freedomofspeech
War on Christmas and repressive tolerance
Johnny U posted a worthy oped from the Washington Times in a much appreciated comment he left at Vlad this morning.
Thank you John, for that and for all your contributions to this site.
The OpEd is about the war on Christmas being in fact about a war on Am
#CulturalMarxism #Explainingleftism #WaronChristians #Waronfreedoms #Waronreason #WaronWesterncivilization
#WaronWesterncivilization #Waronreason #Waronfreedoms #WaronChristians #Explainingleftism #CulturalMarxism
Has Trudeau been planning for CBDC since before 2018?
We posted an amazing video last month on the true nature of CBDCs, or "Central Bank Digital Currencies". The video in wonderfully simple terms lays out how digital currency can work, and therefore likely will. Government rarely takes on powers without using them, and the
#Freedoms #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Truckerprotest #Waronfreedoms
#Waronfreedoms #Truckerprotest #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Freedoms
Lived Experience explained
This is a timely lesson in Marxist rhetorical weapons. As it happens, there is a dialectic attack on the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa taking place now by a group of Trudeau Foundation flunkies and far left wing activists calling itself "The People's Commission on the Occupation" or something very much like that. They are in no small part using this ex
#Explainingleftism #Truckerprotest #Waronfreedoms
#Waronfreedoms #Truckerprotest #Explainingleftism
The video of German pathologists and claims for what is in the mRNA shots
A few days ago, we posted a link to a gates of Vienna which had this video as its feature. We wrote up our own explanation of why it should be viewed in more than one way. At face value, but also as a potential weapon of information warfare
#vaccines #Waronfreedoms #Waronreason #WaronWesterncivilization
#WaronWesterncivilization #Waronreason #Waronfreedoms #vaccines