RT @MikeHudema@twitter.com
The Ocean Cleanup program has now removed more than 100,000 kg of plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch: https://buff.ly/3PD05aA
The ocean isn't a garbage dump. Protect it.
#EndSingleUse #PlasticPollution #uselss #wasteless #oceans #cop15
π¦π: https://twitter.com/MikeHudema/status/1605605055654240265
#endsingleuse #plasticpollution #uselss #WasteLess #oceans #COP15
RT @MikeHudema@twitter.com
The Ocean Cleanup program has now removed more than 100,000 kg of plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch: https://buff.ly/3PD05aA
The ocean isn't a garbage dump. Protect it.
#EndSingleUse #PlasticPollution #uselss #wasteless #oceans #cop15
π¦π: https://twitter.com/MikeHudema/status/1605605055654240265
#COP15 #oceans #WasteLess #uselss #PlasticPollution #endsingleuse
We need #degrowth, a #DonutEconomy and #SystemChange to #Conviviality in a #CaringEconomy of #Partnerism within #planetboundaries!
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice #ClimateActionNow #MotherEarth #LifesBetterWithTrees #ClimateCrisis #CapitalismKills #TaxTheRich
RT @MikeHudema@twitter.com
We have oceans of waste. Amazonβs plastic packaging waste alone could encircle the globe 500 times: https://buff.ly/39H6cqB. We need to do better.
This Black Friday. Use less, buy less, waste less.
#Useless #WasteLess #BuyLess #ActOnClimate #climate
#degrowth #DonutEconomy #systemchange #conviviality #CaringEconomy #Partnerism #planetboundaries #fridaysforfuture #climateemergency #ClimateJustice #climateactionnow #motherearth #LifesBetterWithTrees #climatecrisis #capitalismkills #taxtherich #useless #WasteLess #buyless #actonclimate #climate