Hail fellow mortals! Happy humpday that brings #MittwochMetalMix. The glorious ball of solar fire is shining brightly this morning. I feel a profound stirring of affection for you all! So it is that with magnanimous generosity I gift you a morning dose of #Watain. Enjoy! 🤘😆🤘. https://song.link/au/i/1045379414
#wacken #wacken2024 #lineup #scorpions #amonamarth #inextremo #mayhem #blindguardian #pain #beastinblack #watain #burytomorrow #bluespills #knorkator #sonatarctica #motionlessinwhite #unleashthearchers #sickofitall #thewarning #redfang #theblackdahliamurder #ankor #primordial #FlotsamAndJetsam #xandria #soil #emilbulls #violence #wolf #exumer #vreid #brutus #ignea #futurepalace #johncoffey #asagraum
#wacken #wacken2024 #LineUp #Scorpions #amonamarth #inextremo #mayhem #blindguardian #pain #beastinblack #Watain #burytomorrow #bluespills #knorkator #sonatarctica #motionlessinwhite #unleashthearchers #SickOfItAll #TheWarning #redfang #theblackdahliamurder #ankor #primordial #flotsamandjetsam #xandria #soil #emilbulls #violence #wolf #exumer #vreid #brutus #IGNEA #futurepalace #johncoffey #asagraum
Oha, noch mehr Musik unter dem neuen #Slowsunday von @Carex ! Da mache ich doch gerne mit und liefere: #BlackMetal ! Und wer jetzt Geschrei und Gekreisch erwartet, der kann bei diesem Lied lange danach suchen (wobei das restliche Œvre der Band das dann wieder liefert...). Grundsätzlich habe ich festgestellt, dass ausgerechnet Black Metal-Bands teilweise richtig großartige Balladen haben.
#Watain - They rode on
#Watain #blackmetal #SlowSunday
Day 39 #30MoreSongsChallenge
A FRESH FAVORITE A song that's been released less than a year ago
Very easy today and a great one for me!!!
#Watain 🖤🤘⛧ 🔥
And just one more of my favs from 2022: 9. #Watain – The Agony & Ecstasy of Watain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_oPqu6xQDM
My #LastFm #Winamp & #Spotify top albums chart from the previous week:
#ParadiseLost #Blodsrit #Ancient #Darkthrone #Katatonia #Koldbrann #Moonspell #Dolorian #Horna #MyDyingBride #Watain #Gehenna #Grab #HellMilitia #Immortal #JudasIscariot #Craft #Endezzma #Ludicra #Nifelheim #diSEMBOWELMENT #Mortuus #Krallice #AshBorer #Natt
#natt #ashborer #krallice #mortuus #disembowelment #nifelheim #ludicra #endezzma #craft #judasiscariot #immortal #hellmilitia #grab #gehenna #Watain #MyDyingBride #Horna #dolorian #moonspell #Koldbrann #katatonia #darkthrone #ancient #blodsrit #paradiselost #spotify #winamp #lastfm
And rounding out today’s trio, this lovely ear-worm of a melody from #Watain 👂🪱🤘 https://song.link/i/1045379427
#NowPlaying #TheMetalDogIsNowPlaying
Before The Cataclysm
#nowplaying #themetaldogisnowplaying #Watain
Die wenigen Kollegen im Büro lernen nun #Watain kennen (und winden sich in Verzückung… so deute ich die Reaktionen zumindest) 😁
Vandaag knallen we #watain door de boxen.
🎶Rec time🎶
Blackbraid is a #blackmetal band from upstate New York, specifically the #Adirondacks which provide much of the lyrical inspiration, along with Native American spirituality.
This is a solo project by Sgah'gahsowah ('the witch hawk') aka Jon of Alduvin Bonecraft - and is musically inspired by the likes of #Dissection and #wolvesinthethroneroom
I'd recommend #Blackbraid to fans of #Watain and #atmosphericbm
#atmosphericbm #Watain #Blackbraid #wolvesinthethroneroom #dissection #Adirondacks #blackmetal
Watch "[🔴LIVE] #Watain - #Hellfest : Off The Road – @ARTE Concert" on YouTube
Watain - Lawless Darkness
Issu de l'album homonyme, sorti en 2010.
#Watain #lawless #blackmetal #black #metal #musique #pouetradio