Zack Snyder, et M. Night Shyamalan, c'est un peu le même combat chez moi : je les ai plus ou moins consciemment relayé au rang de réal de seconde zone, tant ils sont dans une période compliquée, après des débuts pourtant prometteurs. J'ai tendance à appréhender leurs films...
Snyder avait démarré très fort avec #300 et #Watchmen. Puis il y a eu la douche froide #SuckerPunch et la mauvaise passe DC...
#ArmyOfTheDead ne jouit pas de supers retours, mais je vais lui donner une chance, du coup.
#Watchmen #suckerpunch #armyofthedead
Would "Watchmen" have been a more commercial movie if it had been less violent? Maybe, but that's not what director Zack Snyder was after.
#ZackSnyder #Watchmen #movies #movienews #film #entertainment #entertainmentnews
#zacksnyder #Watchmen #movies #movienews #film #Entertainment #entertainmentnews
Me queda un capítulo de la serie de #Watchmen y oye, muy bien, va de menos a más y lo está uniendo y explicando todo
Finally got around to finishing Watchmen (2019) series on HBO.
This exchange at the very end made me LOL
Anti-hero billionaire who also just saved the day: “So, I suppose the FBI is gonna arrest the president, too?
FBI Agent: “Sure. Why not?”
Narcissistic billionaire: “Because the world [dramatic pause] will end.”
FBI Agent: “People keep saying that, but it never seems to happen.”
#FBI #lawenforcement #narcissistic #billionaires #nomanabovethelaw #watchmen #FAFO
#fbi #lawenforcement #narcissistic #billionaires #nomanabovethelaw #Watchmen #fafo
I love #MichaelStuhlbarg's friendship with #TimBlakeNelson so much. :blobcat_aww: 🥰
"NELSON: All right. Well, I think they’re already recording us, so whatever we say is going to be used against us.
STUHLBARG: Oh my goodness. I better sit up straight at least."
Nelson has his first novel #CityOfBlows out. #Watchmen #YourHonor plus #acting, writing and making intuitive but informed choices and so much more gets discussed here.
#michaelstuhlbarg #timblakenelson #cityofblows #Watchmen #yourhonor #acting
@JohnShirley2023 @SrRochardBunson
Yeah, me too. Not till HBO’s #WATCHMEN series. Now I think it’s bizarre I didn’t know about it but most of us didn’t.
Viola Davis reprendra son rôle d’Amanda Waller dans #Waller, nouvelle série #HBOMax.
Son récit prendra place entre les saisons 1 et 2 de #Peacemaker et intégrera plusieurs de ses personnages.
Le projet est écrit par Christal Henry (#WATCHMEN) et Jeremy Carver (#DoomPatrol).
#waller #hbomax #PeaceMaker #Watchmen #doompatrol
En ce moment je lis Watchmen dans sa nouvelle édition poche. Je trouve ça fou de trouver encore des fautes énormes 35 ans après sa parution.
Vu le succès de l’œuvre, ça a quand même dû être signalé à l’éditeur un paquet de fois, non ?
#bd #Comics #sfff #Watchmen #jechercher
Further, it makes me wonder if throwing worldbuilding at a group of unlikely companions is a particularly British story engine? #LOTR, #Watchmen and #HarryPotter are all this.
Is the #Watchmen evidence that #AlanMoore is a #functionalist?
#Watchmen #alanmoore #functionalist #sociology #functionalism #comics
Caught up, curse this cold, but here is an amazing cover of a song that influenced the amazing #Watchmen, Desolation Row by @MCRofficial
#Advent #Advent2022 #NerdMusic #GeekMusic #MyChemicalRomance #MCR
#Watchmen #Advent #advent2022 #nerdmusic #geekmusic #mychemicalromance #mcr
Me flipa esto porque por más que me esfuerzo no encuentro ninguna diferencia con Before Watchmen h Doomsday Clock
BloodWatch: Force Strike! #liefeld #watchmen
Might be time to watch Watchmen again, I liked this movie and find it to be a decent Hero movie.
I turn the music on, on shuffle. It's something from #trentreznor (a track from #Watchmen ).
I hear machine sounds. I'm confused, it really sounds like early #NineInchNails sound, but Reznor doesn't really make that kind of sound anymore, definitely not in his soundtracks. The track changes to something else. The machine sounds remain. It was the construction outside... 🤦
#TrentReznor #Watchmen #nineinchnails
Rorschach CosPlay from London MCM
Edited with HDR Efex Pro 2
#Watchmen #rorschach #mcm #MCMLondon #cosplay #Cosplayers #comiccon