University of Sydney - Scientists open door to manipulating 'quantum light'
#Photons #Light #StimulatedEmission #QuantumLight #WaveParticleDuality #Duality #Entanglement #BoundState #ArtificialAtoms #QuantumDots #Photonics #Physics
#physics #photonics #QuantumDots #ArtificialAtoms #BoundState #Entanglement #Duality #WaveParticleDuality #QuantumLight #StimulatedEmission #light #Photons
Just a quick heads up!
According to the Copenhagen interpretation, an electron is both a wave and a
particle, but also neither of the two and never both at the same time.
#WaveParticleDuality #modernphysics
Always a fun evening whenever Physics Explained uploads a new video (and re-uploads once or twice for minor corrections... I think we got the final version now). This time it's about Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and we randomly perform a Fourier transformation, solve the time-independent wave function, and use Taylor to get the full solution.
#physics #physik #fysica #natuurkunde #heisenberg #euler #gauss #probability #wavefunction #hbarovertwo #waveparticleduality
#physics #physik #fysica #natuurkunde #heisenberg #euler #gauss #probability #wavefunction #hbarovertwo #WaveParticleDuality
The thing about #quantum #mechanics jokes is that they can be incredibly funny and incredibly unfunny at the same time.
#Waveparticleduality #quantummechanics #particle #teilchen #WelleTeilchenDualismus #Quantenphysik
#quantum #mechanics #WaveParticleDuality #quantummechanics #particle #teilchen #welleteilchendualismus #quantenphysik
The thing about #quantum #mechanics jokes is that they can be incredibly funny and incredibly unfunny at the same time.
#Waveparticleduality #quantummechanics #particle #teilchen #WelleTeilchenDualismus #Quantenphysik
#quantum #mechanics #WaveParticleDuality #quantummechanics #particle #teilchen #welleteilchendualismus #quantenphysik
Quantum weirdness is opening new doors for electron microscopes, powerful tools used for high-resolution imaging.
Split an electron like a wave, send it past a sample, record which slit it came back in from and measure its properties, #science, and you have yourself an image.
I always marvel at things like this. Very impressive.
#diffractiongrating #WaveParticleDuality #science