Apparently the #WaywardWindsors have a ton of money at the VC bank gone sideways and stand to lose SO MUCH MONEY that they might not be able to afford Epstein Island; & instead might be forced to remain, exiled in the Santa Barbara Hellscape.
@JohnLoader6 @furiousrobot
If the 🇺🇸 could do an exchange with the 🇬🇧: you send us displaced Turks and we send you displaced Harry & Meghan (#WaywardWindsors); how many Turks, I wonder, would make that a fair exchange.
Doesn't serve their interests, & support generally for #FreeSpeech is not as popular as it once was. The scandal sheets are full of heroes & villains—#Assange didn't focus-group well as a hero. After years of isolation, he may have done some villainy.
It's like prison (allegedly), you must pick a team, fall in line, and there's no room for principles.
More importantly—I hear that fine young Prince Harry (#FreshPrinceOfBellend #WaywardWindsors) has written a book & its IMPORTANT.
#FreshPrinceOfBellend #WaywardWindsors #assange #freespeech
Nice try.
Still not reading it.
No prince in America but #PrinceRogersNelson.
#WaywardWindsors #princerogersnelson
#AP getting sloppy with their editing of foreign words. More traditional spelling is 'Ponce'?
#AP getting sloppy with their editing of foreign words. More rraditional spelling is 'Ponce'?
Only ever be one #Prince in American show business and Hal Windsor ain't it.
Prince Harry, over there. Over here: Hal Windsor, just another Kardashian.
Never understood what was meant by expression "keeping up with the Kardashians" until #WaywardWindsors explained by way of demonstration.
Windsor clan can keep up without breaking a sweat. Any chance of getting this #RealityTelevision moved back home to one of the #English channels?
#realitytelevision #english #WaywardWindsors
Few things more American than the #WaywardWindsors displaying their persecution fetish from behind the velvet rope.
Well, forced to choose between a visit to America by these #WaywardWindsors or by #NigelFarage, I guess it'd maybe be them.
But, if we could send all three back in exchange for #MrBean, that would be a very good trade indeed.
#WaywardWindsors #nigelfarage #mrbean
#HarryAndMeghan seem to have hired a GREAT #PublicRelations firm. Same one #WillSmith uses? Though less of a disaster than #DeepwaterHorizon, in the category of English exports, "fish & chips" is much to be preferred over these #WaywardWindsors.
#harryandmeghan #publicrelations #willsmith #deepwaterhorizon #WaywardWindsors