🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
681 followers · 841 posts · Server mstdn.social

Imagine what our plant would be like if all humans would change their perception of themselves and how they fit into life on Earth.



Last updated 1 year ago


Critical Mass Minneapolis is back! You can read about the mission at imgur.com/a/p00968a but the short of it is that we'll gather at the former Quarry encampment site on the far end of the home depot parking lot. We intend to bring attention to the dangerous precedent set by Minneapolis Public Works and MN DOT resources being used to sweep encampments while the streets in NE minneapolis continue to be wildly unsafe for pedestrians, handicapped folks, and bicyclists alike. just because we're rated among the best cities for *recreational* bicyclists doesn't mean the mission of Critical Mass is complete.

meet at the quarry around 4pm, rolling by 4:20. arrive sooner if you want to help skillshare how to cork intersections or learn about co-organizing the next ride!

#criticalmassmpls #criticalmass #minneapolis #classconsciousness #WeAreAllConnected

Last updated 1 year ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
674 followers · 818 posts · Server mstdn.social
🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
674 followers · 818 posts · Server mstdn.social

They’re gone - debris field found in area. …This is my only commentary.

#WeAreAllConnected #inequity #immigrants #implosion #titan #titanicsub

Last updated 1 year ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
674 followers · 818 posts · Server mstdn.social
🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
674 followers · 818 posts · Server mstdn.social

Meat chicken breeds have been “genetically engineered” over time to grow unnaturally large, unnaturally fast, to produce as much meat in the shortest possible time. As a result, these animals -sentient beings- from a wide range of health & welfare issues, including heart attacks, lameness (some not even able to stand), green muscle disease, hock burns & organ failure.


#WeAreAllConnected #EatLessMeat #compassion #unacceptable #suffer

Last updated 2 years ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
674 followers · 818 posts · Server mstdn.social

In addition to the phenomena, I am mesmerized by watching our beautiful with its protective atmosphere bubble rotating in the vastness of . There we are. That’s us! All of humanity, each individual person’s life, their thoughts, struggles & triumphs. Every Country, every , every , every , every . Absolutely !


#WeAreNotAlone #awakeningconsciousness #WeAreAllConnected #breathtaking #molecule #SentientBeing #species #Race #Space #Earth #airglow

Last updated 2 years ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
674 followers · 818 posts · Server mstdn.social

Wonderful news! Increase of 237 porpoises in 5 years. Let’s hope the populations of the other species of does the same.

"Incredible results like these for the Yangtze finless remind us that there is still hope for the world's other five remaining species of river dolphins – all of which are threatened with ."

#WildLife #WeAreAllConnected #extinctionisforever #extinction #porpoise #riverporpoises #endangered

Last updated 2 years ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
674 followers · 818 posts · Server mstdn.social

✅ Important reminder
✅ Good article & suggestions
✅ Your intentions are golden - trying to help others. Who cares what other low vibration people think or say?

Keep letting your light shine in the world… we need more people like you.


#WeAreAllConnected #compassion #diversity #Inclusion #visuallyimpaired #blind #Accessibility

Last updated 2 years ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
674 followers · 818 posts · Server mstdn.social

@the_real_hal @SecularJeffrey aren’t just predators they’re . They’re central to the functioning of , regulation of disease & the maintenance of . They help to maintain healthy populations of prey species by taking out the old, sick & injured. Wolves in fact are beneficial. They make everything around them stronger, healthier, more agile & alert. The Yellowstone is an excellent example of this.

#WeAreAllConnected #WildlifeConservation #WildLife #biodiversity #ecosystems #ApexPredators #wolves

Last updated 2 years ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
674 followers · 818 posts · Server mstdn.social

@pdbowman @bodhidave Wow, this is an excellent resource. I definitely support this work. Thank you. …. Boosting 🚀

📚 decentralized, autonomous, volunteer-driven formation.

#powerofthepeople #WeAreAllConnected #librariesforthepeople

Last updated 2 years ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
674 followers · 818 posts · Server mstdn.social
🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
674 followers · 818 posts · Server mstdn.social

@QasimRashid Excellent statement, and so well said.👍 One exception; unless your work is on behalf of and all on our planet. In this case, take the mic and roar.


#WeAreAllConnected #WildlifeConservation #biodiversityloss #ClimateCrisis #nonhumanlife #Animals

Last updated 2 years ago

Unintended Harm: Are We Still Accountable? 💔🩹💖

As autistic people we have been punished mercilessly for crimes we had no idea we were committing, so it’s natural for us to feel like it’s totally unfair to be held accountable for harm we couldn’t have possibly predicted.

Nonetheless, it is vital to our healing, and our sanity, that we hold ourselves accountable for harm whether we intended it or not. Because if we carry the belief that feeling wronged is only valid if the wrongdoer intended it, then we’ll believe our OWN feelings of being wronged are only valid if the wrongdoer intended it. And since we NEED our feelings to be valid, we’ll NEED the wrongdoer to have intent, so we’ll end up pinning intent on people who just didn’t know any better.

Instead of thinking of it as admitting fault, think of it as acknowledging harm. We need to stop being lawyers and start being humans. Yes, we didn’t know better, we couldn’t have been expected to know better, we did the best we knew how to do - but - we recognize, and care, that someone got hurt, and we wish that hadn’t happened.

If we don’t apologize for unintended harm, the harmed party learns we care more about being right than we do about their pain. People don’t feel safe around people who don’t care whether they suffer or not, and that’s perfectly reasonable.

#ASD #actuallyautistic #Autistic #autism #neurodivergence #awakening #awareness #findingyourself #selfwork #WeAreAllConnected #CPTSD #healing #traumahealing #selfawareness #selfadvocacy

Last updated 2 years ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
593 followers · 639 posts · Server mstdn.social

Cows across India received hugs, kisses and love, as many Indians marked by showing their for the . One day I hope all animals and sentient beings on our planet receive the same love and respect.


#WeAreAllConnected #Animals #love #ValentinesDay

Last updated 2 years ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
546 followers · 609 posts · Server mstdn.social

Be a protector of and on the planet by being a creator of it. The energies of joy and love diffuse negativity and to . It can help the world break the spell of disconnection.

#newearth #raiseyourfrequency #awakeningconsciousness #WeAreAllConnected #heal #HelpOthers #love #joy

Last updated 2 years ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
546 followers · 609 posts · Server mstdn.social

@shlee Wow, good article with a very valid question, thank you. I’m not a techie, I don’t know what VM, CDNs, or S3 buckets are but it’s clear that many of our have good hearts & have taken on quite a chore. Thanks to the points you’ve made, I can see how someone can become overwhelmed & I appreciate their work even more. I believe that somehow we can collectively so the Fediverse will always remain free.

#WeAreAllConnected #chipin #Help #admins #Fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

@shlee Wow, good article with a very valid question, thank you. I’m not a techie, I don’t know what VM, CDNs, or S3 buckets are but it’s clear that many of our have good hearts & have taken on quite a chore. Thanks to the points you’ve made, I can see how someone can become overwhelmed & I appreciate their work even more. I believe that somehow we can collectively so the Fediverse will always remain free.

#WeAreAllConnected #chipin #Help #admins #Fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
546 followers · 609 posts · Server mstdn.social

@jdbartee @Iconfactory .. Yes the is much larger. I’m hoping that new technology will allow me to do a simple search that includes ALL fediverse servers that are “in good standing”. The current “search” mechanism is so primitive & convoluted I don’t even try anymore. We’re all missing so much connectivity by being hindered (by the current technology) like this.

#WeAreAllConnected #betterdaysahead #Fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

@jdbartee @Iconfactory .. Yes the is much larger. I’m hoping that new technology will allow me to do a simple search that includes ALL fediverse servers that are “in good standing”. The current “search” mechanism is so primitive & convoluted I don’t even try anymore. We’re all missing so much connectivity by being hindered (by the current technology) like this.

#WeAreAllConnected #betterdaysahead #Fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago