DMSCreations · @DMSCreations
150 followers · 1608 posts · Server

@rpgmatch I like how content is so easy to find! I like that we are the algorithm… The things we boost get the farthest reach. I love that.

I love that they really stress making things accessible for everybody. (Alt text in pictures and capital letters in hashtags .

I really like the cover letter idea also. It helps people with readers distinguish what they want to look at, and it also allows people who are sensitive to avoid topics.


Last updated 2 years ago

DMSCreations · @DMSCreations
59 followers · 564 posts · Server

@xapur_rpg if i may add 2 things.
Always use Alt text for your pictures
And make sure you capitalize the first letter of each word in your hashtags

#welcometomastodon #WeAreAllInThisTogether

Last updated 2 years ago

Fu · @fuat2mb
54 followers · 539 posts · Server

@SimonGCutmore glad you where able to find a way to do what you wanted. Remember that the Mastodon Android app is As a user you are part of the community. I hope you'll take the time to join in making the software you use better by looking through their open issues list on GitHub. if you find an open issue that matches yours give it a thumbs up, if not please write a new one including where you would want to find the option, that the option wasn't available at all and that you were able to work-around the issue by acessing the webpage.

#WeAreAllInThisTogether #thanks #freesoftware

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick Thomas Sudlow · @patricksudlow
171 followers · 6710 posts · Server

Millions of livelihoods lost or at risk with the recession. Tell @antoniocostapm and @mariofcenteno as well as @CharlesMichel we need Sign!

#coronavirus #Coronabonds #eurobonds #WeAreAllInThisTogether

Last updated 5 years ago

chaibudesh \\\ · @chaibudesh
76 followers · 2595 posts · Server
chaibudesh \\\ · @chaibudesh
77 followers · 2645 posts · Server