I have thought once about something... Do you know what we have in common with all living beings on all planets in this galaxy? The sky. The stars.
Not the star signs, but everyone can see the milky way when they look up. Everywhere a bit different, but nevertheless the same. Actually we are all one.
[Source of the picture: http://www.starorbserver.org/ap150730.html, Picturecredit and Picturerights: Babak Tafreshi (TWAN)]
#Weareallone #planets #stars #galaxy #sky #space #milkyway #universe #startrek
#startrek #universe #milkyway #space #sky #galaxy #stars #planets #WeAreAllOne
One of my favorite pictures from the #RoeVWade #March this last weekend.
This is #NancyDavis of the #NancyDavisFoundation daughter Summer touching fingers with my #grandson Jack.
#LoveIsLove #WeAreAllOne
#Photographer #Photography #BlackLivesMatter #WomenArePeopleToo
#roevwade #march #nancydavis #nancydavisfoundation #Grandson #loveislove #WeAreAllOne #photographer #photography #blacklivesmatter #womenarepeopletoo
RT @Gidimten@twitter.com
1/ “You can’t push the Wet’suwet’en around!” and “This is Chief Woos’ territory!” can be heard as our #Haudenosaunee relatives send the RCMP retreating from their daily harassment patrol at Coyote Camp.
#Haudenosaunee #AllOutForWedzinKwa #WeAreAllOne