Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
997 followers · 736 posts · Server

This is NOT normal.

Heat records being broken multiple times in a year

A fire season that's burned more land than any other time in modern history

A pandemic causing lifelong disabilities in MILLIONS of people.

None of this is normal.

None of us should be okay with ANY of this

We have politicians from the CPC openly courting Neo Nazis, marching with seditionists, racists, white supremacists.

Not only is this not normal, if we allow it to BECOME normal, we're done.

The world is becoming less habitable. We have a few decades before most of the world is inhospitable to life for at least a large part of the year, and some of it already is for short periods of time - not short enough.

Bright side, some of the cranky old rich fucks?

They're going to find out that money is worthless when there's nothing to buy, and nobody left to make things.

They'll SEE how little value they have.

But it's going to destroy our civilization if we don't stop it, if we can even begin to stop it - if we have time. That's not certain.

Covid, that silly cold nobody's afraid of, studies showing that 55-80% of people ignoring it and getting infected 1-3 times per year will be disabled to some degree by 2025, in the best case scenario. 2025. That's 2 years. 55% of the global population disabled is a catastrophe.

If we keep ignoring it?

by 2030, the best case scenario is 80% of the global population disabled. Worst case is 99%

Covid isn't mild - maybe the "cold/flu" respiratory part is now, but if it's in your blood (it is), it's ravaging organs that have no pain receptors.

So the climate is trying to kill us.

Covid is killing us.

And we're fighting to make a few lame old men (whose importance is a delusion, by the way, they're leeches who contribute NOTHING) richer than gods.

We're failing our children, our grandchildren, ourselves, and our planet.

If we disappear, can't say were weren't warned it was coming. Not that there'll be anyone left to give a crap, but seeing all our potential flushed down the shitter for greedy oligarchs is pathetic.

We're in a

We're in a pandemic

We're in trouble, and if we don't act? This may very well be a year people look back on and think "Well, wasn't that nice?"

#climatebrawl #CovidIsNotOver #WeAreInDanger

Last updated 1 year ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
928 followers · 533 posts · Server

July 16, 2023. Good Morning! Got an early start today, instead of jumping on the computer right away and writing (okay, I did, but only long enough to drink a cup of coffee and wake up), I went for groceries. It's visibly smoky out, even after a massive dump of rain & hail.

That's how much smoke there is, where a giant, sudden weather event like that barely clears the air - and because there's so much, there's no clean air close enough for wind to sweep it away, it just brings more. We're on pace to more than double the previous worst year ever.

Sorry, but this isn't normal - this isn't an anomaly, this isn't something we've ever had before. This is climate change, causing drought, and drought making fires more likely. This is a mess WE, (not just Albertans or Canadians, WE as in humanity) created. We, as a species?

We're at risk. At the very least of civilizational collapse. At the worst, for us? Extinction. The world would be better off without us honestly, but if we improved? We could be a force for good. If we don't? The planet will be fine, and we'll vanish. Humanity will end.

We'll join the legion of plants and animals we've bullied into extinction, the planet will recover, and go on, lesser for having known us, but better without us. We get to choose, do we work to protect the planet that gives us life, or ignore it, and die off. Stay safe. ☮️❤️🍁

#GoodMorning #climatebrawl #WeAreInDanger #peace #love #canada

Last updated 1 year ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
877 followers · 906 posts · Server

March 2, 2023. Good Morning! Today, I'm kind of wishing I hadn't been paying attention to Covid-19 trends & realities for 3 years, if I didn't know it's worse now than it's ever been, I might not have risked my job to avoid it. Wear a mask, stay safe, and wish me luck. 🙏☮️❤️🍁

#GoodMorning #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #WeAreInDanger #peace #love #canada

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
845 followers · 1746 posts · Server

There is 0 evidence that Covid-19 is mild.

Short term, ignoring it does boost the economy. Long term, it will destroy the economy. Anyone pushing to ignore it is looking to cash out quickly at the price of harming people.

Note that mild symptoms ≠ mild infection

Covid 19 is a vascular infection - when the symptoms are awful, it means it infected your lungs/respiratory tract heavily. That system has obvious symptoms of infection, so it's "bad".

Only one other organ has major symptoms of infection that relate to breathing - your blood. If your blood is infected, it loses capacity to carry oxygen, so breathing becomes more difficult.

Another organ, there are obvious symptoms of infection - you can lose your sense of taste and smell, experience fatigue, have trouble remembering things, feel like you're in a fog - that's a brain infection.

But other organs, Covid-19 can damage them, and you're unlikely to experience any symptoms, until they're damaged to the point they struggle to do their jobs. Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Pancreas, Intestines, Stomach, Bowels... the only symptoms are THEY STOP WORKING.

Every infection has potential to create new variants, which are less likely to be stopped by vaccines. Because it attacks your immune system, each infection makes you less protected from Covid, and everything else. Cold and Flu are worse after Covid. You're now immune compromised.

So no, Covid-19, a SARS virus (sort of true, SARS is Severe Acute *Respiratory* Syndrome, and Covid-19 isn't a respiratory virus, it's vascular... the most severe visible symptoms are when it infects the respiratory system, but visible ≠ most severe at all) key is SEVERE.

Get vaccinated, and wear a mask - the two mitigations that, when combined, give you a shot at not getting infected, and not doing severe damage to your body, and even if it doesn't kill you, shortening your lifespan. Remember the whole "every cigarette takes a day off your life"?

Well, every covid infection takes years off your life - and damage is cumulative. Each infection does more damage, and shortens your potential lifespan more than the last, also increasing the odds of long term disability and dysfunction.

SARS-CoV2-19 isn't a joke. And where it came from, who's responsible, is not relevant to anything when it comes to the effects the disease has on your body, it's going to keep doing its thing and killing/disabling people until we stop acting like it's no big deal.


#SARS #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #weareintrouble #WeAreInDanger #WearAMask

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
845 followers · 1834 posts · Server

February 11, 2023. Good morning! I hope you have an amazing day, and keep safe, that Covid bug is insidious, and it's running wild. I suppose I should say "those Covid bugs" since there are so many variants now due to all the mutation happening. Stay safe! ☮️❤️🍁

#GoodMorning #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #weareintrouble #WeAreInDanger

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
830 followers · 3372 posts · Server

One of the striking things about Covid-19, that got my attention almost immediately, was the people who'd had it, and then complained of symptoms that remind me of what I have, and the effects during and post attack - Multiple Sclerosis.

I immediately started talking about it on Twitter, and then on here once I joined, sharing warnings, letting people know YOU DO NOT WANT THIS! Now, to be transparent, not everyone who catches Covid ends up with Long Covid. The estimates I've seen as of this month range from 20% to 50% - I'm not sure whether that's 1 infection, or multiple infections.

When someone complains "I'm always tired" "I have no energy" "I can't think clearly" "my brain feels like it's full of fuzz" - this is what I was warning people about. I really wish more people had listened. These are people who were perfectly healthy (by human standards) and now have a disability.

When people say "Covid wasn't that bad! I had a flu after, and it was 10x worse than Covid!" - also what I'm talking about. The flu wasn't worse because it was a newer, meaner flu, it was worse because your immune system is weaker than it used to be.

I don't know what the odds are, but I do know that if there are ANY odds that this could happen to you, or anyone you love, care about, or like, you should be wearing a GOOD mask any time you're in public. 10x for anywhere indoors, but even outside in crowds. Airborne viruses don't wait for you to eat or have a drink - get your food and drink to go.

I'll re-iterate. YOU DO NOT WANT THIS! Even if it didn't cause immune dysfunction (it does). Even if it wasn't vascular, and causing organ damage and failure (it does). Even if it wasn't infecting parts of your brain in many cases (it is). You DO NOT want this. Put on a mask.

I don't give a fuck if you like me, I don't give a fuck if I like you. I don't want you to get this, and you shouldn't take the risk. Live longer so you can yell at me, I don't care - I want you to avoid this, even if it makes my life less enjoyable.

Get your vaccine. Get regular booster shots. Wear a GOOD mask.

We don't have vaccines that prevent Covid yet, not even close - but they do reduce the odds of catching it, and the impact it has on you. Stay healthy, for yourself, or so you can yell at me in 6 months or 6 years.

#COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #WearAMask #WeAreInDanger

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
826 followers · 3535 posts · Server

January 22, 2023. Good Morning! I'm going to take full advantage of our changed climate, and go grocery shopping in a spring jacket, because January is warm. It's been around 8°C the last few days. Calgary shouldn't go above 0° without a chinook for months. (also, Covid-19 destroys your immune system slowly, and cumulatively, that's still here, and it's worse every day, not better) Stay safe. ☮️❤️🍁

#GoodMorning #climatebrawl #peace #love #canada #WearAMask #WeAreInDanger #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
814 followers · 5583 posts · Server

The dueling pandemics.

Fiscal Conservatism, Law & Order Conservatism have left the building. Compassionate Conservatism has been gone longer than most of us have been alive.

All that’s left is xenophobic, anger fueled, hate mongering desire for power, for the sake of power alone. They don’t have ideas or plans, they just want to be IN CHARGE, NOW.

NOW as in, when they don’t win they send their supporters for reparations via violent assault of our institutions of government. First the USA on January 6th, 2021. Canada in early 2022. Brazil Jan 8, 2023.


In late 2019 we got warnings about a new virus, SARS 2, Covid-19, a virus that was discovered in Wuhan, China. We were warned it was more deadly that the flu, and it spread like wildfire.

We had “lockdowns” in Canada, which weren’t really lockdowns, we were just asked nicely to stay home, and for a period of time, things like mask wearing were expected, and indoor public social events were banned (so we couldn’t eat in restaurants, or go to bars, or attend indoor concerts). Lots of scary news, but eventually, we got sick of it, and a bunch of really loud, really wrong types made a LOT of noise, and slowly all restrictions were lifted.

And it got worse again.

So they brought back mask mandates, continued testing people.

But then that all ended, and everything went back to “normal”
Normal was a mistake. Because of normal, we have a new normal – where nobody tells you anything.

2020 was a bad year for everyone

2021 was a little better

2022 was much worse. Not just because more people died, because we learned (we as in anyone paying attention to immunologists, virologists, medical professionals, not just anyone, governments and media, it’s still radio silence), we learned that SARS2, Covid-19, damages your immune system in a similar way to HIV when it becomes AIDS. Trashes your T Cells.

People in the hospital dying at much higher rates than normal from the Flu.

People in the hospital dying at much higher rates from Strep.

People in the hospital dying at much higher rates from RSV.

People still dying, at an accelerated rate, from Covid-19.

People who died from Covid in 2020, before vaccines, and autopsies showing Covid-19 viral activity that continued well past the visible infections, up until the time they died, in every bodily system. It infects every organ and system in your body, gradually destroying them, even after the respiratory infection clears up.

But those provincial governments run by. Shockingly, Conservatives, not a peep.

Some actually BANNED measures to prevent spread. Some lied and said, “this doesn’t spread in schools” and intentionally infected children en masse.

I think it’s important to point out that there are 2 pandemics currently ravaging the world.

1. Covid. It’s never been worse. The lows and lulls now are higher than the peaks back in the Delta days.

2. Social Conservatism. Fiscal Conservatism has been replaced, fiscal conservatives, fiscally responsible stewards who believed in public health, public order, public safety, social programs, peace and good government. They’re gone, as in, they no longer exist in politics. They exist in the population, but the population can’t vote for them, because they’re not there. They were replaced with grifters who don’t care about anything except increasing profits for corporate sponsors, by reducing “red tape” (things like health measures, safety standards, corporate responsibility), and reducing expenses (things like labour rights, rules against price gouging, monopolistic behaviours)

Covid is a bad pandemic, made worse by provincial governments who have been taken over by these Social Conservative monsters.

And this is just Canada. The issues are global - for both things, Covid and Social Conservatism are dangers to health, well being, and public safety. Masks? They're just a good idea.

#COVID19 #SARS2 #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #NeverVoteConservative #WearAMask #WeAreInDanger

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
814 followers · 5582 posts · Server

January 7, 2023. Good morning! Reminder that Covid is a highly infectious, airborne multi systemic infection that destroys your immune system, makes all those little infections like colds, strep, and influenza deadlier. Wear a damned mask people, you don't want this ☮️❤️🍁

#GoodMorning #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #WearAMask #WeAreInDanger #peace #love #canada

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
767 followers · 5149 posts · Server

SARS2-COV-19 is an airbourne, deadly virus that attacks your immune system, even in mild cases, turning you from a normal, healthy person, into someone at high risk from any infection.

Remember the panic back in the day about HIV and AIDS? HIV was transmitted via fluids, not just sexual contact, but not airbourn or droplets, just bodily fluids.

HIV didn't make you sick, it simply weakened your immune system, allowing things your body knew how to fight to make you sick, since you lost the ability to fight ANY kind of infection.

Now, imagine if HIV/AIDS had also CAUSED illness, and was airborne?

We don't need to imagine - that's what we're dealing with now, a severe virus, with cumulative effect, that attacks your heart, your liver, your lungs, and your brain, all while damaging your immune system so you can't fight the next infection of anything you might encounter.

Downplaying Covid-19 is a level of stupid that needs to be addressed, and quickly.

Science is telling us these things because it LEARNS from new data, but Politics is telling us what Science told us years ago, before it learned more, ignoring what's been learned since. Science changing its mind isn't a sign it's wrong, people ignoring new information is people telling us they're idiots.

#SARS2 #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotmild #WearAMask #WeAreInDanger

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
648 followers · 4454 posts · Server

The Covid-19 Pandemic is not over. Because so many people have decided to ignore it, it will probably never be over. There are a few things you, everyone should know about Covid-19

1. More people have been hospitalized in 2022, and more people have died in 2022 with Covid-19 infections.

2. Catching Covid does not protect you from catching Covid again.

3. Covid is not a respiratory illness. Covid infects your sinuses, lungs, digestive tract, skin, brain, liver, blood.

4. A "mild" infection is one that does not focus on your lungs. That doesn't mean it's not bad, none of your internal organs have nerve endings that tell you they're hurting. What tells you they're hurting is when they start to fail, and you die.

5. A heart infection, which you will not notice, silently tears your heart apart. Heart failure, heart attack, stroke, and blood clots are likely in a heart infection.

6. Loss of taste/smell (on of the first things about Covid that was considered strange) means it's attacking your brain. Brain damage isn't reversible, the brain can re-route things, restore full or partial function. Whatever was in the part destroyed though? Lost forever

7. Blood infection. If your blood is infected with Covid, it will slowly lose the ability to carry oxygen. You will die gasping for breath, even if your lungs are in great shape.

Saying Covid is over is going to kill people, more each year as we move forward - PUT ON A GOOD FUCKING MASK AND STOP PRETENDING THIS IS OVER, IT'S NOT OVER, AND IT'S GETTING WORSE.

Just an aside, Covid-19 can also cause Erectile Dysfunction in men. Don't want a flaccid, floppy boner for the rest of your life? Don't want dates to laugh at your impotence and move on to someone else? Put on the damned mask.

OH, and then there's Long Covid - Covid infections that attack your brain especially, and leave you with lingering fogginess, confusion, never ending fatigue... Basically a Covid caused version of MS. You're disabled, or partially disabled, for the rest of your life.

#WearAMask #COVID19 #SARS2 #CovidIsNotOver #weareintrouble #WeAreInDanger

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
423 followers · 2317 posts · Server

November 21/2022. Good morning! Canada is one of the freest countries in the world, but. I hate adding a but. We need to come together and protect/respect/house ALL of our citizens. We're strong together, but if we demonize or fail each other, the whole thing could fail. ☮️❤️🍁

#GoodMorning #unity #WeAreInDanger #WeNeedToFixThisFast

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
325 followers · 1706 posts · Server

November 20, 2022. Good morning! Canada is still one of the freest countries on earth, but damn could we use some good news. Provinces are trying to privatize health care to mimic the failed health care mess in the US, Fake conservatives (CPC/Reform) are rage farming to help them. Stay safe! ☮️❤️🍁

#GoodMorning #RageFarming #UniversalHelathCare #FakeConservatives #WeAreInDanger

Last updated 2 years ago