In addition to the #Airglow phenomena, I am mesmerized by watching our beautiful #Earth with its protective atmosphere bubble rotating in the vastness of #space. There we are. That’s us! All of humanity, each individual person’s life, their thoughts, struggles & triumphs. Every Country, every #race, every #species, every #SentientBeing, every #molecule. Absolutely #breathtaking !
#WeAreNotAlone #awakeningconsciousness #WeAreAllConnected #breathtaking #molecule #SentientBeing #species #Race #Space #Earth #airglow
Take over your neighborhoods. #TheLoveMovement. Whadda season but #WeareNotAlone #Patton #DubTrio
Watch "peeping tom mike patton we´re not alone butterscotch beatbox" on YouTube
#dubtrio #patton #WeAreNotAlone #thelovemovement
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#myface #thinkingofmycomrades #mycomrades #LoveYouAll #loveyoufuckers #iamnotalone #WeAreNotAlone #abetterworldispossible #abetterworldawaits #NeverGiveUp #allcatsarebeautiful #CatsOfMast #commiecat #comrades #comradekitty
Tonight's Film: We Are Not Alone
Comedy about an alien invasion from 2 writers of the BBC's sitcom Ghosts (on Dave/UKTV Play)
Great cast, especially Mike Wozniak & Joe Thomas. Some clever ideas including some fun political satire which is let down a little by some scatalogical humour which felt unecessary.
Weird non-ending, probably due to hoping for a series, but just sort of stops.
#film #films #ZotwotFilmToots #WeAreNotAlone
Loving "We Are Not Alone" on Dave. Seriously hope series follow.
#WeAreNotAlone #Dave