Deeply saddened by the forthcoming departure of #NicolaSturgeon.
That having been said, #independence is about more than the individual. We all must keep going. #WeAreScotland #WeAreYes
#youyesyet #scottishindependence #weareyes #WeAreScotland #independence #nicolasturgeon
Happy #StAndrewsDay!
Today is an opportunity to promote our values of kindness, compassion and solidarity 💙
Watch FM’s St Andrew’s Day message ⬇️
Happy #StAndrewsDay!
Today is an opportunity to promote our values of kindness, compassion and solidarity 💙
Watch FM’s St Andrew’s Day message ⬇️
Happy #StAndrewsDay!
Today is an opportunity to promote our values of kindness, compassion and solidarity 💙
Watch FM @NicolaSturgeon’s St Andrew’s Day Twitter message ⬇️
We are not going back into our box. We are not prepared to descend into a right wing hell we NEVER EVER voted for, or wanted. We are here to stay #64SNP #8Green #Majority #WeAreScotland #ScotlandsFuture #FreeScotland #ScotlandInEurope #IndyRef2 #DissolveTheUnion We won again!
#DissolveTheUnion #indyref2 #scotlandineurope #freescotland #ScotlandsFuture #WeAreScotland #majority #8green #64snp