Think about it.
Do you procrastinate when your work is self(selves)-directed?
#ActuallyAutistic #KineticAutistic #AskingAutistics #PluralGang #MayDay #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #GoCoOp #SelfDirectedEducation #MondayMorning #MondayInspiration #MondayThoughts #MondayMotivation
#actuallyautistic #KineticAutistic #askingautistics #pluralgang #mayday #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #gocoop #SelfDirectedEducation #mondaymorning #mondayinspiration #mondaythoughts #mondaymotivation
“It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and to expose lies.”
— Noam Chomsky
#FridayNight #FridayThoughts #FridayFeeling #FridayMotivation #FridayVibes #AcademicChatter #FuckABA #ABAharms #ABAisAbuse #YesAllABA #BanABA #AllABA #PBSisABA #PBSfails #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #GoCoOp #Socialism #Communism #Anarchism #Leftist #AntiCapitalism
#fridaynight #fridaythoughts #fridayfeeling #fridaymotivation #fridayvibes #academicchatter #fuckaba #abaharms #abaisabuse #YesAllABA #BanABA #AllABA #PBSisABA #pbsfails #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #gocoop #socialism #communism #anarchism #leftist #anticapitalism
#AngelaDavis #MondayMorning #MondayThoughts #MondayMotivation #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #GoCoOp #WorkerOwned #BlackLivesMatter #BlackHistoryMonth
#angeladavis #mondaymorning #mondaythoughts #mondaymotivation #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #gocoop #workerowned #blacklivesmatter #blackhistorymonth
How much more evidence do you need to admit that the dichotomous relationship between employers and employees is fucking toxic? It’s time to move on from this bullshit system.
#WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #GoCoOp #ThursdayMotivation #ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayVibe #EastPalestine #Leftist #Socialism #Anarchism #Communism #Capitalism
#WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #gocoop #thursdaymotivation #thursdaythoughts #thursdayvibe #eastpalestine #leftist #socialism #anarchism #communism #capitalism
In search of #FridayReads this #FridayMorning?
Check out my #FridayThoughts on the #UnitedStates House of Representatives passing a bipartisan resolution “Denouncing the horrors of socialism” last Thursday.
#AutisticPride #FridayFeeling #FridayVibes #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #GoCoOp #Socialism #Anarchism #Communism #Leftist #FridayFacts
#fridayreads #fridaymorning #fridaythoughts #unitedstates #autisticpride #fridayfeeling #fridayvibes #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #gocoop #socialism #anarchism #communism #leftist #FridayFacts
#Capitalism is, to quote Noam Chomsky, “a relation of authority among human beings which places some above others,” thereby making it “illegitimate by assumption.”
This relation is, as Richard D. Wolff articulated, “replicated in private and public educational institutions.”
Thus, #education is, as it is currently constructed, an illegitimate institution.
#WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #GoCoOp #Socialism #Communism #Anarchism #Neuroqueer #Pedagogy #Academia #MondayNight #MondayVibes #MondayThoughts #MondayMotivation #MondayInspiration
#capitalism #education #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #gocoop #socialism #communism #anarchism #neuroqueer #pedagogy #academia #mondaynight #mondayvibes #mondaythoughts #mondaymotivation #mondayinspiration
#OnThisDay February 6, 1919, the #Seattle #GeneralStrike began. For five days, workers ran the city themselves. To quote Radical Seattle author Cal Winslow, “those five days are to be celebrated, not forgotten.” Indeed, those five days were the closest #America came to achieving true #socialism, which is, in the words of Noam Chomsky, “the idea that people should be in control of their own destinies and lives, including the institutions in which they work, the communities in which they live, and so on.” What the #SovietUnion did was the antithesis of socialism. It was a state capitalist society. When the two major #capitalist parties—Democrats and Republicans—denounce the so-called “horrors of socialism,” what they’re really doing is projecting the horrors of #capitalism onto socialism to smear socialism. If we should formally denounce the horrors of anything, it should be the horrors of capitalism, for as #ActuallyAutistic physicist Albert Einstein wrote for Monthly Review magazine in May 1949, “the economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is … the real source of the evil.”
#WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #GoCoOp #MondayMorning #MondayThoughts #MondayInspiration #MondayMotivation #neurodivergent #Neuroqueer #Anarchism #Communism #History
#onthisday #seattle #generalstrike #america #socialism #sovietunion #capitalist #capitalism #actuallyautistic #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #gocoop #mondaymorning #mondaythoughts #mondayinspiration #mondaymotivation #neurodivergent #neuroqueer #anarchism #communism #history
“Nothing appears more surprizing to those, who consider human affairs with a philosophical eye, than the easiness with which the many are governed by the few; and the implicit submission, with which [people] resign their own sentiments and passions to those of their rulers. When we enquire by what means this wonder is effected, we shall find, that, as force is always on the side of the governed, the governors have nothing to support them but opinion. It is therefore, on opinion only that government is founded; and this maxim extends to the most despotic and most military governments, as well as to the most free and most popular.”
#SaturdayNight #SaturdayVibes #SaturdayThoughts #SaturdayMotivation #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #GoCoOp #Socialism #Communism #Anarchism #NeurodivergentLiberation @DHInst
#saturdaynight #saturdayvibes #saturdaythoughts #saturdaymotivation #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #gocoop #socialism #communism #anarchism #neurodivergentliberation
From a dramaturgical perspective, Tim Walz’s response to the #TyreNicholsVideo is a performance that @bullycreative undermines.
As Malcolm X said in a 1964 speech, “you can’t have capitalism without racism.”
#WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #AbolishThePolice #JusticeForTyreNichols #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #AllCopsAreBad #ACAB
#tyrenicholsvideo #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #abolishthepolice #justicefortyrenichols #blacklivesmatter #blm #AllCopsAreBad #acab
If you think #socialism sucks or is at all anti-American, consider that, as @gbrockell wrote for @washingtonpost in July 2019, “the first Republican president … was surrounded by socialists and looked to them for counsel.”
Indeed, as Brockwell noted, Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln, “had many mutual friends, read each other’s work and, in 1865, exchanged letters.”
Of course, they don’t teach us that in #history class.
#WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #GoCoOp #SaturdayNight #SaturdayVibes #SaturdayMotivation
#socialism #history #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #gocoop #saturdaynight #saturdayvibes #saturdaymotivation
“[W]e are saying that something is wrong ... with capitalism.... There must be better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism.”
#WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #GoCoOp #MartinLutherKingJrDay #MLKDay2023 #MLK2023 #MLKJr #Capitalism #Socialism #BlackLivesMatter #ACAB
#martinlutherkingjr #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #gocoop #martinlutherkingjrday #mlkday2023 #mlk2023 #mlkjr #capitalism #socialism #blacklivesmatter #acab
“Capitalism develops productive resources, but it does so in the interests of the small ruling class that is motivated by making profit and so creates distress and disadvantage for neurodivergent people. By reorganising society on a socialist basis, with a democratically-planned economy geared towards human need not private profit, we can start to remove those barriers and problems that capitalism creates and make a more inclusive, less discriminatory society.”
— Janine Booth
#WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #GoCoOp #BanABA #AllABA #NeurodivergentLiberation
#Neurodiversity #Capitalism #Socialism #Neurodivergent #Neuroqueer #ActuallyAutistic #KineticAutistic #PluralGang #SundayVibes #SundayMotivation
#WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #gocoop #BanABA #AllABA #neurodivergentliberation #neurodiversity #capitalism #socialism #neurodivergent #neuroqueer #actuallyautistic #KineticAutistic #pluralgang #sundayvibes #sundaymotivation
You know how I know NDs are just as human as NTs?
A lot of them are assholes, too.
But that still doesn’t resolve the social power inequalities.
#WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #GoCoOp #NeurodivergentLiberation #ActuallyAutistic #KineticAutistic #PluralGang #Neuroqueer #SundayVibes
#WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #gocoop #neurodivergentliberation #actuallyautistic #KineticAutistic #pluralgang #neuroqueer #sundayvibes
@JoelN Minority groups have been wrongfully pathologized to justify social hierarchies under #capitalism for centuries. Indeed, it wasn’t until May 17, 1990 that the World Health Organization depathologized homosexuality. The pathologization of #neurominorities, on the other hand, persists. As a consequence, #behaviorism, a pseudoscientific ideology designed to enforce compliance, lives on in dehumanizing practices like Applied Behavior Analysis and its insidious derivatives. Indeed, even grading is a behaviorist method, for it rewards obedience. Please read or listen to my latest post on Medium to learn why we must democratize #education and replace behaviorism with #neuroqueer pedagogy. #SolidarityForever
#Neurodiversity #Neurodivergent #queer #ActuallyAutistic #KineticAutistic #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #SocialJustice #MondayMotivation
#capitalism #neurominorities #behaviorism #education #neuroqueer #solidarityforever #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #queer #actuallyautistic #KineticAutistic #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #socialjustice #mondaymotivation
@andytiedye @cindylouwhom I'm not aware of any formal studies at the moment, but, in my experience, many *neurodivergent* people (“neurodiverse” applies to groups of people) are anti-capitalist. Indeed, #ActuallyAutistic physicist Albert Einstein wrote an essay for the first issue of Monthly Review magazine entitled “Why Socialism?” As for the failures of former socialist and communist movements, Richard D. Wolff has repeatedly explained what happened and how #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism moving forward:
#actuallyautistic #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism