"Features allein reichen nicht aus, um aus X/Twitter ein westliches WeChat zu machen", kommentiert @ghonsel die Ambitionen des Elon Musk.
Was es wohl noch braucht? 🤔
#Twitter #ElonMusk #Kommentar #WeChat
(Bild: Shaheerrr/Shutterstock.com)
▶️ https://www.heise.de/meinung/X-Was-Elon-Musk-auf-dem-Weg-zur-Alles-App-uebersehen-hat-9279416.html?wt_mc=sm.red.ho.mastodon.mastodon.md_beitraege.md_beitraege
#WeChat #kommentar #ElonMusk #Twitter
#X 🐦
#ElonMusk has long spoken of his desire to launch "X, the everything app", seemingly inspired by the #communist regime in #China's #WeChat
The ongoing rebranding marks the biggest change to #Twitter since the world's "richest man" bought the platform last October.
#Twitter #WeChat #China #communist #ElonMusk #x
Between wanting to recreate #WeChat (China's state-controlled "everything app" that dictates whether you can even pay rent), lusting after #sweatshop conditions for his workers, and this, #ElonMusk is a huge fan of the #CCP isn't he
#ccp #ElonMusk #sweatshop #WeChat
@TheDoctor512 Angesichts von #CloudAct, der einstellung von #Microsoft365Deutschland als #ManagedHosting bei der #DTAG und der weitergehenden mitarbeit von #Microsoft am #PRISM-Programm ist eine #Compliance mit #DSGVO & #BDSG denen unmöglich da effektiv in den #USA illegal...
Das ist genauso naiv wie zu erwarten, dass #WeChat oder #QQ nicht Auskunftsersuchen von Behorden aus der "V.R." China folge leisten...
#qq #WeChat #USA #bdsg #dsgvo #compliance #prism #Microsoft #DTAG #ManagedHosting #microsoft365deutschland #cloudact
eicker.news #technews »#Montana #bans #Telegram, #WeChat, and #Temu from #governmentdevices: That’s in addition to banning #TikTok in the state.« https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/17/23727750/montana-bans-telegram-temu-wechat-other-bytedance-apps-government-devices-tiktok
#technews #montana #bans #Telegram #WeChat #temu #governmentdevices #TikTok
@artikel10ev basically worse than everthing else...
[Or maybe not. cuz #QQ and #WeChat don't bother to lie into users' faces like @protonmail and #WhatsApp do]
Remember #KerckhoffsPrinciple:
#NotYourPrivateKeys = #NotSecureEncryption!
Also all #Singlevendor and/or #SingleProvider and/or non-#FLOSS solutions are inherently & unfixably bad as well as insecure per design!
#FLOSS #SingleProvider #singlevendor #notsecureencryption #notyourprivatekeys #kerckhoffsprinciple #WhatsApp #WeChat #qq
#Russia moves its people deeper into the censorship hole. https://www.hackread.com/russia-bans-whatsapp-telegram-others/ #Viber #Discord #WeChat #Snapchat #Telegram #Threema #WhatsApp #MicrosoftTeams #Skype
#skype #MicrosoftTeams #WhatsApp #Threema #Telegram #snapchat #WeChat #Discord #viber #Russia
Russia's Internet watchdog Roskomnadzor has banned nine foreign messaging apps. The law establishes a ban for a number of Russian organizations on the use of foreign messengers. The apps that fall under the new restrictions include #Discord, #MicrosoftTeams, #Skype for Business, #Snapchat, #Telegram, #Threema, #Viber, #WhatsApp, and #WeChat.
#Russia #News #osint #War #WeChat #WhatsApp #viber #Threema #Telegram #snapchat #skype #MicrosoftTeams #Discord
RT @simopieranni@twitter.com
su #WeChat girano post molto critici (e preoccupati) contro il governo cinese (e anche audio in cui ci si chiede come sia possibile che il governo stia lasciando morire milioni di persone) #Cina >>
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/simopieranni/status/1608377366665125890
RT @simopieranni@twitter.com
#Cina #Covid Sempre su #WeChat ci sono molte testimonianze raccolte negli ospedali. Emerge una carenza di posti letto, di ossigeno e medicinali - i ricoverati sono per lo più over 65 - secondo la testimonianza di un medico di uno ospedale di Pechino (uno dei più importanti) >>
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/simopieranni/status/1608380461851475968
So, it’s not even allowed to change profile pic to blank profile pic on #WeChat…, according to some users….Looks like “blank” is becoming another taboo in #CCPChina. Amazing….🙄
So, it’s not even allowed to change profile pic to blank profile pic on #WeChat…, according to some users….Looks like “blank” is becoming another taboo in #CCPChina. Amazing….🙄
So, it’s not even allowed to change profile pic to blank profile #WeChat…, according to some users….Looks like “blank” is becoming another taboo in #CCPChina. Amazing….🙄
@CardboardRobot @skdh
Agree. I left #Facebook, #Messenger #WhatsApp and I'm not on #WeChat or #TikTok. I've locked and parked my #Twitter account and use #Signal for messaging friends overseas.
I'm not interested in lining the pockets of #Billionaires.
#billionaires #Signal #Twitter #TikTok #WeChat #WhatsApp #messenger #Facebook
I’m going to like #Mastodon at some point, but I’m waiting for #Apple to make a #WeChat style, all encompassing social network. 2025? #TwitterMigration
#twittermigration #WeChat #Apple #Mastodon
eicker.news #technews »#China’s #WeChat Is a Hot New Venue for #USElection #Misinformation: Ahead of #USmidterms, #activists are fighting #falsehoods circulating in Chinese-language communities that they fear will distort the vote.« https://www.wired.com/story/chinese-american-misinformation-midterm-elections-wechat/
#technews #China #WeChat #USElection #misinformation #USmidterms #activists #falsehoods