No venceremos!
Educado en las versiones del «Venceremos» de Inti Illimani y de Victor Jara, esta expresión de Rosario de Acuña (Madrid, 1850-Gijón, 1923) me pareció al principio poco menos que una herejía, pero pronto ahondé en su significado y la considero de una gran profundidad y digna de recordarse, sin perder ni una pizca de actualidad,…
RT @MuseumFreeDerry: Good luck and solidarity to Bloody Sunday families today as proceedings against "Soldier F" begin again to secure his prosecution.
@bordergran @JohnKelly1948 @MaeveMcLaughli1 @tonydutchdoc @derryguidedtour @BloodySundayT
#WeShallOvercome #neverGivingUp #billofshame
One World One Struggle 🇮🇪🇵🇸 🇿🇦by @MuseumFreeDerry
Apartheid in Palestine laid bear by #MustafaBarghouthi in a powerful presentation in Guildhall tonight
His critique was accompanied by a rightful demand 4 democracy, equality & human rights 4 all in Palestine #WeShallOvercome
#MustafaBarghouthi #WeShallOvercome
Today, according to the radio, is 'take a photo of nature' day.
So I took this photo of a bramble plant that had grown up the inside of a metal tube on this Heras fence.
#WhereTheresAWillTheresAWay #WeShallOvercome #GoTowardsTheLight