#Fracking #WeSmellGas has a new explainer video on the #Gas Industrial Complex. It explains how corporate and political elites work together, behind closed doors, to lock Europe into #fossil gas, exploiting racialised people in former colonised nations and the diaspora in Europe. It is grounded in Black feminist theory.
Check it out here: https://nitter.net/WeSmellGas/status/1620459191596105729
#fracking #WeSmellGas #Gas #fossil
RT @tomkucharz@twitter.com
Así se hace: activistas de #WeSmellGas interrumpen un evento de lavado verde de la industria fósil #EUHydrogenWeek para exigir a la UE: #StopGreenwashingDirtyHydrogen. ✊🏾 El 97% del hidrógeno de Europa se produce a partir de combustibles fósiles.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/tomkucharz/status/1585713263546875907
#WeSmellGas #EUHydrogenWeek #StopGreenwashingDirtyHydrogen